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Gabby and Ty

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Well-Known Member
Gabby and Ty, the reporters. I train against them a lot, as a weaker pokemon can be supported by a higher level pokemon, they are always ready for a fight and relatively easy to find. When I say that I have battled them a lot, I mean it.

It is just that recently they have stuck to the first location where you meet them even after I have beaten them. Is this a glitch or does the happen after a certain number of fights?
I have no idea what your talking about, I hardly battle Gabby and Ty just cause of the fact they don't give enough expeirence

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
Whats happening when you defeat ty and gabby 255 times?i dont understand?


Give a traded pokémon EXP Share and that pokémon gains like 3k EXP from Magneton and Exploud (I think), good if you wanna train the weakest level pokés, I admit that.


PokeTrainer Miki
but can u still battle them every time u want once they stop moving?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
^ Yes, you can still keep battling them. It's actually BETTER that they stay in one place because you don't have to keep following them around.

Since the question's been answered...

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