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Gah! There's too many of them.


King of the Marsh
Attack of the Delta Ditto inspiration.

the fighting one imo is pretty broken. A 70hp basic that can remove energy 100% for [F] seems a tad much, but who knows.

Seems the same with dark. T1 attach dark and attack, T2 attach energy for 70.


Awesome Idea!!
4.75/5 for all of them
You never seem to get around to make that set symbol


Pachirisu Master


AWSOME!!! I wish I was as good as you!!! What do you use to make them???

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Ah, this is so original. I love the Fighting-type one! 9/10 for all. They are almost the same, but only one attack each makes them unique. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
;250; WOW you are good! Those cards must of taken a long time! I especialy like the FIRE knelon!;250;