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game boy characters now turned into rock stars!

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Guitar Ninja
ok here's my pics when ever theres new ones it will be put into the new section all the others go into the other pics section. requests: Closed Forever .... updates: now taking requests for mix ups such as guitar players with drums (you know stuff like that) other updates: WARNING! might be closed (but the good news is it might be put in fan art request section)

Newest arivall(s)

other pics (the ms paint ones I know you'll hate)
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I don't want to offend you at all either, abit amusing but even in paint, you can make them more decent than they are.


Yall are so rude... he obviously put all his talent and effort into making this wonderful peice of art...


in some cultures, you'd be hung for this...


Well-Known Member
Damn, I feel like the best artist EVER looking at your work. You suck major donkey balls. You're terible. Compared to you. Everyone is an awesome artist.

The Admiral

the star of the masquerade
Sir, I have to say that you are a load of affe kugeln. It's rare that I use that one, but this stuff is pathetic. It's a bunch of paint-applied blobs on official art. I could do this in ten minutes.

Point is thus: Don't post your art if it's not very good, or chances are you'll be flamed to death for posting it. Why? Because we SPPfers are a callous lot.



yeah they do suck mate no offense taken but i could find better art in a dumpster


Honestly I admire the inginuity to make these, but a phrase seems to come to mind about the presentation.

"Oh, my eyes... Dear lord, I think I'm going blind. My eyes, my eyes."

^Best read with a deadpan voice


You could of put more effort in your work. Parts of the green guitar are going through the girl's leg, and there are white spaces between her and part of the guitar. Apparently, you do not know about layers (using them can eliminate that problem). Also, guitars do not have curved necks, nor can anyone hold one like that because it would just fall to the floor/ground/etc (but you could edit the trainers to look more like they are holding their instruments). The drum set's legs could have been longer so that they reach the bottom.

And everything was done sloppily (No offense. But were you in a hurry?), but I like the concept of your pictures though- Rock star Pokémon trainers!
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Hey, hey, hey! Stop!

What's the matter wiat all of you people! That's not the way you should treat an attempt to art... I'm very mad because people like you would have prevented me from being what I am now...

Just like him, I started as something that really sucked, compared of what he did to what I did he's an espectacular artist.

Give him a chance people! You never know when you might be asking him for some requests... Life has its flipsides you know.

Don't be so cold on him. By doing this, he might never want to use a paint program again. Thus, you guys might have killed a future artist.

Constructive Critisism is better than plain critisism.

At least he has the courage to post his/her stuff.

Think twice before commenting please.

What do I think myself about these pics? The idea is awesome, but unfortunately, the skill used is weak still. More practice, someday, would make your image dreams more clear and everyone would be asking you for images (Hey, if it happened to me, why not to you?). Practice makes perfection.

Oh, and don't give up because of these comments. They're just small walls you can jump easily ^_^



Hates his username.
Maveryck85 said:
Hey, hey, hey! Stop!

What's the matter wiat all of you people! That's not the way you should treat an attempt to art... I'm very mad because people like you would have prevented me from being what I am now...

Just like him, I started as something that really sucked, compared of what he did to what I did he's an espectacular artist.

Give him a chance people! You never know when you might be asking him for some requests... Life has its flipsides you know.

Don't be so cold on him. By doing this, he might never want to use a paint program again. Thus, you guys might have killed a future artist.

Constructive Critisism is better than plain critisism.

At least he has the courage to post his/her stuff.

Think twice before commenting please.

What do I think myself about these pics? The idea is awesome, but unfortunately, the skill used is weak still. More practice, someday, would make your image dreams more clear and everyone would be asking you for images (Hey, if it happened to me, why not to you?). Practice makes perfection.

Oh, and don't give up because of these comments. They're just small walls you can jump easily ^_^


Darn right!
You know, she might even intentionally want her work to be like that! Some artists had made millions just by heaving buckets of paint onto their canvesses, and look, they're now international masterpieces! So instead of going off and saying it's crap, think of it as a masterpiece in it's own style!
Oh, and as for Sonic jam, don't mind what these people say, you should keep going and making art, because like I always say, it doesn't matter what other people think of your work, it's if you enjoyed making it that counts. So I advise you continue your drawings.
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Yup I have to Agree with Maveryck85 and *Bashamo* You guys shouldnt say such things it can make people never want to draw again!!!!! I remember when someone told me that my artwork sucked, it made me feel terrible and i didnt draw for weeks!!

Anyways, everyone has to start from somewhere and eventually work themselves up with practice!!! You can tell that she is just beginning, and paint is always a good way to start!!

Give support and never ever tell someone that their artwork sucks...words like these cut deep!!

So don't give up Sonic Jam 82 ^^ continue to draw and post your artwork here!!!
Maybe your next step is to add litle bit more detail to the musical instruments, make it more clear!!
So keep practicing and don't let people get you down!! Like i said before everyone has their own style and unique way of drawing!!
We are all unique!! ^^
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Alright guys, Mav and Bashamo are dead right. You guys are acting like assholes towards this kid who tried his best. Maybe she's no good now, but she can improve. Everybody has to start somewhere.

Autumn said:
Damn, I feel like the best artist EVER looking at your work. You suck major donkey balls. You're terible. Compared to you. Everyone is an awesome artist.
This is just downright flaming, and if I see another post from you like this again, you'll pay the consequences.
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Hates his username.
Just letting you know, but Sonic jam is a girl. I realised that and edited my post.
Yes Kaiviti is right. Being told that your work sucks hits people SO HARD, it can depress them. There have been people critised by their friends the first time they tried anime, and they felt like cutting their breath so they could die. That's how serious it is, and now I understand why a little while ago SapphireDewgong was totally fumed at the cruelty of the Art forums. Please don't revive that dark time and don't get this poor soul's thread closed either, because it's disgusting.

EDIT: Oh, and did any of you know that she's only 9 YEARS OLD!? I feel like crying...
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gee that's swell
This probably took them like 2 minutes,yes some people are being mean but oh well,it`s the mods jobs to maintain peace around here.

Sonic Jam-I understand you are trying but please try to go back and work a little harder.


*Bashamo* said:
Just letting you know, but Sonic jam is a girl. I realised that and edited my post.
Yes Kaiviti is right. Being told that your work sucks hits people SO HARD, it can depress them. There have been people critised by their friends the first time they tried anime, and they felt like cutting their breath so they could die. That's how serious it is, and now I understand why a little while ago SapphireDewgong was totally fumed at the cruelty of the Art forums. Please don't revive that dark time and don't get this poor soul's thread closed either, because it's disgusting.

EDIT: Oh, and did any of you know that she's only 9 YEARS OLD!? I feel like crying...

Yeah i checked her profile and only 9 years of age!!
This Art Forum can be soo mean at times, I remember posting 2 pokemon images which i spent ages doing...then someone said well the 2nd is worst than the 1st one...!! That really hit me hard....and i was soooo upset!! I just hope that whenever anyone posts something here in the artforums, that they think before writing anything!!! Once you've said it you can never take it back and it's always hard to forget!!!
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