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Game glitch

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Phantom Poster
some people may have noticed this if they have tried it. but when you trade a pokemon like latios into a ruby version before you catch it it changes to that exact nature. I've tried it in all of the recent pokemon games. raikou ect all were the same nature as the raikou traded into the game.This glitch only apllies to random encounter pokemon like latios.
it makes me wonder if it will cause them to turn shiny if u trade a shiny form of them into the game. tho i doubt it cause the special attribute is changed like raikou with like specialty in hp is traded into fire red and raikou is caught the attribute wont be the same unless if ur lucky or something.


TC expert
EvilAzn said:
some people may have noticed this if they have tried it. but when you trade a pokemon like latios into a ruby version before you catch it it changes to that exact nature. I've tried it in all of the recent pokemon games. raikou ect all were the same nature as the raikou traded into the game.This glitch only apllies to random encounter pokemon like latios.
it makes me wonder if it will cause them to turn shiny if u trade a shiny form of them into the game. tho i doubt it cause the special attribute is changed like raikou with like specialty in hp is traded into fire red and raikou is caught the attribute wont be the same unless if ur lucky or something.
I started to know what you mean but I lost you there :S

Cipher Admin Skarmory

Rod said:
I started to know what you mean but I lost you there :S
He means that if you have a ruby version and someone trades you a Bold Latios when you catch your wild Latios it will be Bold, same with Raikou in FR/LG, well that's his theory I don't know if that's true.

Stalker of the Sky's

It doesn't work in Emerald my wild Latias is mild and the one I traded at the start is hasty.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Thank you, Floored!. Glitch sticky, please. :)

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