Scythe-Wielding Chao
They gave it a 3.
Out of TEN. Which, in Game Informer Land, is equivalent to a 30%.
What the hell were they smoking? Oh, wait, this was the same magazine that gave Sonic Rush a 6. Praise Sony and diss everything else.
Some major "WTF" moments:
Wow, they're going to LOVE Diamond and Pearl. *eyeroll*
I'll say it again: "WTF?!"
Somehow, they don't understand the concept of "types", "super effective", and so on.
They ish blind. Maybe they played too much Final Fantasy. Or Killzone. Or whatever huge FPS that has their attention.
Also, I noticed that they took no mention of the story whatsoever. At least EGM has sense. This is, after all, an RPG.
Out of TEN. Which, in Game Informer Land, is equivalent to a 30%.
What the hell were they smoking? Oh, wait, this was the same magazine that gave Sonic Rush a 6. Praise Sony and diss everything else.
Some major "WTF" moments:
Graphics: The sprites are small and the tiled textures repeat and repeat until you can bear it no more
Wow, they're going to LOVE Diamond and Pearl. *eyeroll*
Replay Value: Low
I'll say it again: "WTF?!"
...combat is entirely devoid of strategy: You press A. You do damage. You press A again. Sometimes you select a special move...
Somehow, they don't understand the concept of "types", "super effective", and so on.
Given how crude the battle animations are, it's difficult to determine whether your animal is attacking or having a seizure.
They ish blind. Maybe they played too much Final Fantasy. Or Killzone. Or whatever huge FPS that has their attention.
Also, I noticed that they took no mention of the story whatsoever. At least EGM has sense. This is, after all, an RPG.