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Game Questions

I have no money and I want a game, so what game should I get or sell? My parents may spare a few dollars

My games so far suck so what game should I get

GBA Games

Megaman BN5: Team Colonel
Megaman BN6: Falzar Version
Pokemon Emerald
Fire Emblem
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

DS Games

Puyo Pop Fever
Super Princess Peach

I wanted Puyo Pop, but instead of Princess Peach I should have gotten Metroid Prime Hunters or Zelda the Minish Cap. I didn't have much of a choice because this was in april where not many DS games were available. I should not have sold my Mario & Luigi 2: Partners in Time, but I don't like mario any way.

Wanted DS Games (that are out in stores)

Megaman ZX
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Dungeon

Should I get Pokemon or Megaman?
What Gamecube Game or games should I sell?

My Gamecube Games

Shadow the Hedgehog
Soul Caliber 2
Tales of Symphonia (I can't sell because I haven't battled Abyssion yet)
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Billy Hatcher
Final Fanasy: Crystal Chronicles (Not your usual final fantasy so it sucks)
Megaman Anniversary Collection

I regret buying Crystal Chronicles because it is not an average FF game and kind of has no real main characters or any voice acting. It sucks so much. This is why I am getting a PS2 for Christmas.

I can't get a PS3 because I don't know if you can play all PS2 and PS1 games. Can someone give me a list of games not playable?


Awaiting October.
okay well you should get Md it is a great game i love it and it will last you some time..
you should sell
Shadow the Hedgehog
Final Fanasy: Crystal Chronicles-because you don't like it

and with the PS3 all sony games are playable i think..
GBA Games

Megaman BN5: Team Colonel sell
Megaman BN6: Falzar Version sell
Pokemon Emerald
Fire Emblem
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

DS Games

Puyo Pop Fever sell
Super Princess Peach sell

Megaman ZX
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Dungeon

Should I get Pokemon or Megaman?
Neither. Get something like:

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Trauma Center
New Super Mario Bros.

What Gamecube Game or games should I sell?

My Gamecube Games

Shadow the Hedgehog Sell. Now.
Soul Caliber 2 Sell
Tales of Symphonia (I can't sell because I haven't battled Abyssion yet)
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Billy Hatcher Sell
Final Fanasy: Crystal Chronicles (Not your usual final fantasy so it sucks) Yeah, usual FF games suck as well. Sell.
Megaman Anniversary Collection

I can't get a PS3 because I don't know if you can play all PS2 and PS1 games. Can someone give me a list of games not playable?

Why would some games be unplayable?
There you go.

The Puppet Master

billy hacther
2 megaman games
ff cystal chonicles
shawdow the hedghog

all ps2 and ps1 games are playable on the ps3
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