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Gameboy Chewed...


This morning I left my SP in the kitchen, on the surface. I just went down stairs to get it, and my dogs has chewed it, the screen has a huge black mark inside it, its covered in teeth marks. Luckily, my Fire Red is undamaged, so I can still play using my brothers SP. Unfortunately, i was planning on trading all my valuable Pokemon over onto my Ruby and sending them off to Nintendo. I now don't ahve anotehr GBA to do it with.

Should I buy a new SP, or should I just leave it?

~Milotic Master


Leave my posts alone
It's probably easier to simply buy a normal Advance. But if you're after an SP, get one (stupid DS with none trading compatabilities...:/)

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Bright SP, whats that >.< (I know its a SP thats brighter, thats obvious...)
If it's an SP with a brighter backlit screen, it should say so on the box. From your location I see that you're in the U.K. though, so I'm not sure what the boxes look like over there and what SP colors you guys get.


Storm Trainer
Someone should make an accessory that can plug into the DS' AC Adapter Slot, that can be made to connect to a GBA/GBA SP.