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Gamecube skin help

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Well I got sick of my pokemon XD skin for my cube and took it off. The problem is that it left a bunch of gunk on it. I've tried rubbing it off with a cloth and some warm water but it did nothing anyone know how to get it off?


Irate Pirate
Surgical spirit has always worked for me when taking stickers off game boxes so I suppose it would work for that, I think it may only be available in the UK though. Be careful with it if you can get some

Haunter Hunter Sohrab

Johto Champion
Naruto Uzumaki said:
Well I got sick of my pokemon XD skin for my cube and took it off. The problem is that it left a bunch of gunk on it. I've tried rubbing it off with a cloth and some warm water but it did nothing anyone know how to get it off?

That happened to my DS and I had to scratch up my touch screen so I could exchange mine for a new one. But I'm sure you can't do that for this. But anyways thanks for warning me.

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
This can be closed now I figured out you can rub it off with your thumb and it doesnt leaves scratchs, residue or anything left.