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Gameplay Features you Would Like to See in Future Game


Yeah, baby!
Yeah, way too early I know.

Here's my list-

Item/money trading
NPC portriats
3D Battles
Camera rotation (Seeing as the DP overworlds are in partial 3D now)
Weather (Rain, snow bright sunshine will sometimes occur randomly)
Date function (For example, if it is around Christmas time, stores will hold sales and people will decorate their homes. If it is around Halloween, than Rare Candies and Berries are easier to find, and homes will be decorated. Also the date determines the likeliness of a certian kind of weather.)

That's all I can think of.


Like you, I would like to see weather, item/money trades, and date fuctions. I'd also like to see a game where after you win the league you could choose to keep training, become a team member, ect.


Slow and steady baby
Watchable Pokemon breeding.

Skitty... Wailord.

I'm completley serious, it would be like watching Animal Planet.

*imagines male Wailord and a female Skitty*

Horn Drill

The calander idea is really good. They would be able to give you presents on your birthday and stuff like that. It's like Animal Crossing, but with Pokemon! o_O

Improving the Mail feature somehow would be nice.

New games should also be multiregional.

And I think we all dream of a custom character function, especially after seeing the new male hero for DP. ._.;


I thought this up minutes ago:

okay, so there's a blank HM that gains a pokemons move and the pokemon forgets it, you do this by talking to some guy and the you gotta pay to reuse the HM or if you got a pokemon with recycle, it could work that way


Game & Software Dev
I'd like weather that corresponds to the country your in, as well as weight and height measurements that match (We keep getting american copies over here in Australia - come on Nintendo we use the METRIC system not the IMPERIAL system).


Mostly harmless
I'd like to see a much more open ended gameplay. There could e the main quest (get starter, beat gyms, catch pokemon, beat E4) but also a multitude of sidequests and random things, like actually being able to join evil organizations, getting an occupation (breeder, coordinator, etc.) and basically doing whatever.

And, of course, Charecter creation


Well-Known Member
Item/money trading
NPC portriats
Weather (Rain, snow bright sunshine will sometimes occur randomly)

I agree with both those. um:

Customizable Trainers
Trainer Changes clothes with location (like at a volcano or island= shorts, cold or mountainous region=jacket and long sleeves)
Gym leaders that have more depth
HM 10(?) Ride where you can ride on your pokemon for travel, it's like surf on the land


Beginning Trainer
Customizable Character
Option to be something other than Pokemon master...like Pokemon contest particpater or Pokemon breeder or even just a person who has a Pokemon as a friend.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I'd like all kind of weather (Sunny, Cloudy, Snow, etc). Also, different trainers and Pokemon depending of the day.


Well-Known Member
virtual reality would be so awesome!


So Zetta Slow!
I'd like a feature that makes additional regions a little similar to the countries on the world...
...There would be lightnings when bad weathers occur and it increases electric attacks or could paralyze your pokemon...
...a feature that lets you control every move of your pokemon in battle and lets you evade or get colse to your opponent...for example...you could press UP if you'd like your pokemon to move forward to avoid an attack...
...I'd like a feature that enables a pokemon rumble battle of 10 trainers...
...a feature that lets you fly over the whole region...not just flying teleporting from pokemon centers to another...
...a feature that lets you enter a new region that is only available when you are linked to another person...
...a feature that lets you go to space and meet jirachi and deoxys!! (sorry for wrong grammars) ...hehehe


Friendly POKéMON.
What I want to see is the uncertainty factor or a Pokèmon's personality being directly related in battling. For example, they could make a system where Pokèmon with a Hardy or Adamant nature can still possibly battle after Fainting, due to determination. And this system could be nulled by Intimidate. Also, I had a bit of an idea in another thread, and I'll post it when I find it.

EDIT: Here it is:

Me said:
Heh, I can imagine and open-ended Pokèmon world. Make your choice:

Pokemon Breeder: Perfect the line of Pokemon and make creatures so fine-blooded, they rival legendaries. Save the world from an outbreaking plague. Except, in this case, it'll be EXCITING! Gasp!

Pokemon Professor: Just you and your Pokèmon, out in the hostile wilderness... Do you have what it takes to finish the greatest Pokèmon dictionary ever made? Chills, thrills, and startling revelations.

And these (and many other) categories could have even more intricate forks... Now THAT would be a sight to see.

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
I'd like a feature that makes additional regions a little similar to the countries on the world...
...There would be lightnings when bad weathers occur and it increases electric attacks or could paralyze your pokemon...
That's a good idea.
...a feature that lets you control every move of your pokemon in battle and lets you evade or get colse to your opponent...for example...you could press UP if you'd like your pokemon to move forward to avoid an attack...
No way. Good enough players could evade every single attack. Talk about undermining a good battle system.
...I'd like a feature that enables a pokemon rumble battle of 10 trainers...
No. Just no.
...a feature that lets you fly over the whole region...not just flying teleporting from pokemon centers to another...
I don't like the idea, but it's possible.
...a feature that lets you enter a new region that is only available when you are linked to another person...
Shinou underground is more than enough for link-up features.
...a feature that lets you go to space and meet jirachi and deoxys!! (sorry for wrong grammars) ...hehehe
Oh my God! Jirachi and Deoxys are event Pokemon.

What I'd like to see is:
-Customisable trainers
-Fully 3d battles
-Ability to walk at least 8 directions.
-At least 8 directional riverbanks, mountains, paths and stuff
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Daaku JJ

Well-Known Member
Most of these features would be possible with a Wii, but it would be like sims, witha multitude of expansion pack, like you get the base game, a normal pokemon game, then you get a pack that has the breeder missions, a pack that has team rocket missions and the like.

It would be interesting to be able to make our own land to tavel around in though.
becoming best friends with a pokemon and let it out of its pokeball and travel with you. Then it would have more determination, higher attack etc

and trainer creation and stuff that other people said.

Tenacious Nel

Long live the D!
I'd love to see an option to the story line, allowing you to drop the whole League challenge and instead follow the path of a Pokemon Coordinator. AND, I'd like to see the contests follow the way they were performed in the anime.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
in general what people have said here...


Ready for a vacation
I'm with TurtleLove on the watchable breeding. XD
That'd be interesting to see how the Wailord+Skitty thing goes.

Oh, you want me to be serious? Well, seriously I would like breeding to be more realistic. Base it on SIZE and breeding-type, rather than just the one. I'm kinda tired of Skitty and Wailord ruling the "weirdest pair" threads. Even if it is true.

I'd also like to see weather, and some real-time stuff like holidays going on.. although certain holidays might offend people, such as xmas, since not everyone celebrates that. Halloween too. Maybe that wouldn't work out after all.

Weather still would though! Yes. Let's go with that.

I'm against turning the handheld Pokemon games 3D though. Leave that for the larger consoles you hook up to your TV. Sprites are the best.