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Games not worth your money or time

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Ghost -not really-
Ok everyone had their fair share of buying a game then immediatley running to the toilet jking

But everyone has a game that glitches too much, plays as if ur playing chess, plays like a atari game(not all are bad), or a game that just plain stunk

Ill try to keep a master list

1. Give ur info Title-System-Rent, borrow, buy it cheap, don't touch it-Why?

Try and keep it with games within the past 3 years

If the number has a * beside it its now removed because someone gave a better reason to buy it

Master List of Bad/Not-grand games
Updated : December 1, 2005
1. Yoshi's Touch and Go- DS- If you know someone who bought it by accident borrow it overnight- Its way too short
2. Pokemon Emerald-GBA-Buy it cheap- Not bad but you have to beat the game to get the extra island and the stuff inbetween feels old
3.Resident Evil 4-PS2-Don't touch it-Awful cameras and pointless puzzles
4.Xbox 360- Xbox 360- borrow- not worth your money yet.. no killer app
5.Shadow the Hedgehog- Multi- Don't touch it- Bad gameplay and the gun just screws it up
6. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland- Buy it cheap- Dull levels and loading times are evident
7.Super Man 64- N64- Don't touch it- If youve seen a video of it you know its crap
8.Yoshi Safari-???- Don't touch it- When Mario has a gun yeah u know...
9.Pokemon Channel- GC- Borrow it- You can beat the game into around 7 days
10.Pokemon Dash- DS- Don't touch it- Its a tech demo basically and too easy
11.Yoshi's Story- N64- Borrow it- Sequels should be better but this one aint
12.Yoshi Topsy Turvy- GBA- Borrow it- Irritating sound and easily beatable in two days
13.Ratchet: Deadlocked- PS2- Borrow it- Shows sequels can stink
14.Full Metal Alchemist 2- PS2- Don't touch it- Story is short incomplete and the game is easy and too forgiving
15.Splinter Cell Chaos Theory-DS- Borrow it- You need to play almost in the dark and collision detection at close range is a pain in the @55
16.Rayman DS-DS-Borrow it- Without an analog stick its harder but with all the glitches of the old one don't bother unless you want a harder difficulty
17.Gretzky NHL '06-???-Don't touch it-Bugs.
18.Path of Neo-???-Rent it-Dissapointing but better than the first one
19.Jak X-PS2-Don't touch it!- Bad controls and wth does this have to do with Jak
20.Mario is Missing-?-Rent it-Why do we need to know history to save mario?
21.Bubsy 3D-PSX-Don't touch it- When you die out of nowhere something is wrong.
22.Dokapon Monster Hunter-GBA-Don't touch it- Hard and boring as ....
23.Spryo Enter the Dragon Fly-Multi-Borrow it- long loads not that good
24.Whack-A-Mole-DS-Buy it for .50-Bad and wtf a whole game out of whacking moles
25.Final Fantasy VIII-PSX-Don't touch it- Bad battle system bad plot not up to standards
Got half-way through page 3


Most controversial game: Yoshi's Story/ Shadow the Hedgehog
Most awful game: Super Man 64

Have fun, learn what not to buy

We could have had up to about 30 games on the list but due to no reasons they didn't make it
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resident evil 4 - ps2 - once again we return to the land where turning around quickly forgot and being able to see what your shooting at mattered"fair do's it is a bit better now" and of course an annoying amount of pointless puzzles!

brought it took it back brought tony hawks american wasteland instead now that is good


Hyper Coordinator
meh the whole Xbox 360 system in my opinion...
Not that improved from the Xbox... PS3 and Revolution are much better with CELL technology, tons of more games, and new kind of controller
lack of good games
the only good feature on it is the on-line feature and even that you have to pay money for
$60 for a game when its just a DVD

The Chronicles of Narnia-wow... do i REALLY need to explain here?

Shadow the Hedgehog-its sonic with a new color and a gun... ruined sonic permantly... why sega why put a gun on shadow's hands!!!

thats all i can think for now
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Think Different
Resi 4 is a really good game, at least it is on the Gamecube, but it'd take a lot to screw that one up.

Direct movie story tie ins all suck and also Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup, I rented it and it is just one huge misake.


thats your opinion fair enuff i jus have a MAJOR beef with cameras


Meteor Trainer
posh_the_Berzerker said:
brought it took it back brought tony hawks american wasteland instead now that is good
THAW? That's what I'm putting on my list for this thread. They claim no loading times, but there are. You skate through a tunnel as the rest of the level loads. Each area is dull compared to the classic levels. I regret the purchase. Traded it and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, as well as my Wavebird controller and got Mario Kart DS. Now there's a game!

Ryusuke Hikari

Rurouni Kenshin
I'm beginning to regret that I bought Shadow the Hedgehog. Sure, it has a good story. But, I don't like the gameplay, the character, and having a Sonic character hold a gun (especially one that looks like Sonic). Most of the vocal music is bad. Level design is horrible. That's all I've got to say. It's a good game sure, but I'm beginning to hate it so much that I'm at the point of selling it.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but...
Pokémon Colosseum. I just actually aren't interested in the game, didn't even complete it.. Maybe because I saw my friend complete it and he traded me some pokémon with his Pokémon Colosseum.. I just got bored soon...


Ski > You
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Sacred Cards. Pointless, easy, no replay value, and the God Cards plain stink.


Contaminated KFC
Yoshi's Story.

I should be hung, drawn and quartered for even contemplating on purchasing that horrid excuse for a sequel in the first place~


Old Coot
I assume you thought it'd be as awesome as Yoshi's Island as well, huh? >_>;


Superman 64 - AVOID WITH YOUR LIFE - Because..it's Superman 64. >_>;


Dynamo Trainer
Edward Elric said:
I assume you thought it'd be as awesome as Yoshi's Island as well, huh? >_>;


Superman 64 - AVOID WITH YOUR LIFE - Because..it's Superman 64. >_>;

I was just about to say that...So buggy.

Avoid any game that has the word "Yoshi" except for one called "Yoshi's Island."

Yoshi Safari? WTF? Just...WTF. Giving Mario a gun is plain screwed up.

Avoid any game that has "Pokemon" AND has no color for it except if it has XD on it. (which wasn't THAT good too.) My mistake buying Channel....

Avoid Halo and Halo 2 if you don't have LIVE for your life because....it's Halo. Don't listen to GameFAQs about it being 9th best ever.


Super Gamer
I would have to disagree with you on Shadow the Hedgehog. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is awesome. Plus you don't need to use a gun the entire time.

Avoid these:

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex - GCN
Need for Speed Underground 2 - GCN
Pokémon Dash - terrible. dissapointing. easy. sucky. don't get it.
Any Skater or sports game (Football, Basketball, Baseball) except for the Mario ones - those are fun.
Anything made by Sony - cheap and mediocre games.
Pokémon Channel is only good if you get it at bargain bin price (like $5)
Mario Party 4 - too boring and too short. I'm starting to wonder about 6 & 7 being the same way.

There are several games I sold on Ebay and got up to $60 for them but oh well - I cant remember them right now.



Meteor Trainer
kingboo30 said:
Avoid Halo and Halo 2 if you don't have LIVE for your life because....it's Halo. Don't listen to GameFAQs about it being 9th best ever.
The original Halo had XBL support?
Gravy said:
Yoshi's Story.

I should be hung, drawn and quartered for even contemplating on purchasing that horrid excuse for a sequel in the first place~
The action may have been a bit dumbed down, but it didn't have the horrendus chore of babysitting Baby Mario, who whined every second he was away. I honestly liked Yoshi's Story. Guess I was the only one. It was a bit simple, but not awful.

Yoshi's Island though, I still have that. Great game.


Super Gamer
I hate Yoshi's Island because of that damn Baby Mario. Oh well - Baby Mario & Luigi are in "Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time" and it doesn't look like they will be drowning themselves with tears (pun intended)


Poke Freak

PUrEHearT said:
Shadow the Hedgehog-its sonic with a new color and a gun... ruined sonic permantly... why sega why put a gun on shadow's hands!!!

Ruined Sonic permantly? ...Yah, talk about exadrating. Besides the fact from what I've heard that you don't have to use the gun for the entire thing and it's not like the main thing in the game, Shadow is different than Sonic. Heck if this game is good enough they are planning on giving Shadow his own franchise, as in making it different that Sonic. It didn't ruin Sonic. It ruined nothing.

The action may have been a bit dumbed down, but it didn't have the horrendus chore of babysitting Baby Mario, who whined every second he was away. I honestly liked Yoshi's Story. Guess I was the only one. It was a bit simple, but not awful.

Make that only one of two people, I liked the game also. Yah it was really simple, but it was still fun.


Yoshi Topsy Turvy: The sound and music is irritating.
Mario Golf: Advance Tour: Too easy
Power Rangers: None of them, all are horrible.


Do not get!

Crash Tag Team Racing-Get away from this ugly Double Dash ripoff.
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly and Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs-Boring.
Legend of Kay-Trust me. Don't get it.
Ratchet: Deadlocked-Worst game in the series.
Coded Arms-Controls and difficulity are tedious.
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble-EGM says it sucks, I say it sucks.
Star Wars: Battlefront and Burnout 3-They are good, but if you have online compatability, avoid!
Fullmetal Alchemist 2-Too feeling incomplete, too crappy, too short, too easy, too forgiving.

Game Boy Micro-Why the he** does this exist anyway!? It only plays GBA games. Removable faceplace my ***.
PSP-Not too popular and half-***ed games
Borrow/Rent/Get Cheap. The games below are good, but short.

King Kong-Six hours long
Genji-Sevne hours long.
Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2-Like ten hours long each.
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ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Actually you do have to explain PUreHEarT have you actually even played the game? The Chronicles of Narnia is a good game. Just because most movie games suck doesnt mean they all do look a its rating. http://cube.ign.com/articles/666/666411p1.html 8.3 is a very good rating.
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