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Games: Trying To Make You Sad?

Have you noticed how sad this game makes you? Like little tidbits, like if you let a pokemon go from your team, it will say "it look dissappointed and left". Have you noticed this?

EDIT: Woot, rank up!
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Yeah I noticed that and when they are sad like when your partner and you had to leave to go on a journey, it showed your partner with a sad face and it also had dramatic music.
Yes, but I'm talking about little stuff, not the big stuff.


Ultimate Marshtomp
I always feel really bad when I have to make someone leave the team. D: And for the actuall plot, I was crying a bit when you have to leave the pokemon world (but actually stay), but it's sad. :(


Well-Known Member
I had five extra geodudes and I got rid of all of them and it just said:
(Insert name here) left the rescue team. (item it was holding) was returned to the toolbox.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
all named makes me sad in it.