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Garden of Eden :yeah lets try this one last time:

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
It's three hundred years into the future. And times have changed greatly. Wars broke out at the dawning of the century, bringing death and famine. Spreading disease and sorrow. Nothing was safe from this fighting. The earth screamed as her children were torn asunder and sent out of her reach. Blood soaked the ground red as acid rained down from the sky.

Earth had turned into a living hell for anything surviving. For decades life struggled to survive where it was still safe to live. But in places it was utterly wiped out. Barren. Like fields of ash and craters. Nothing lived there.

Or so it seemed.

Humans and pokemon barely cling to life, praying for something to happen. Something to change. For life to become what is was once more. But that won't happen for the past can not be altered.

But there is still hope for the future.

The souls of the long dead titans. The pokegods if you will, have been reborn. Rising from the ashes, they have the powers to heal the earth, or destroy mankind and restore the world to a Eden for pokemon instead of humans and pokemon.

But this has been prophised long ago, and some people have kept their eyes out. Waiting. Watching. For they don't want humans and pokemon to live in peace and prosper. They want to rule the world. And the reborn titans are the key to that plan…

And the knowledge on how to heal the world, good or bad, lays in the hands of the three Regis, wherever they are hiding. It is best assumed they are hiding in their element. Ice, Rock and Steel. As only the titans reborn can find them.

And only the Titans can unlock Eden.


Okay, that's the plot. And the rest of the info is like this. Alot of pokemon species were wiped out, and the balance between what's left to common/rare ratio has been changed drastically.

Few towns remain, and the only place left that has humans is Kanto. Of the few towns, Pewter, Saffron, Lavender and Fushia are the ones with the most people left. Cinnabar and Pallet town have survivors too, but not many.

What survivors are there are able to grow just enough food or find enough non toxic wild items to eat, to get by. But things are getting worse. Food is becoming scarce for humans while what few species of pkmn surviving become less and less as their weak prevos die off. It seems to be the end..


The list of pokemon are: I have taken out the list, and will randomly give people one, two or more pokemon. Just ask how many you want and we'll see what you get, when you're accepted I'll give you the pokemon, and you can finish up the sign up sheet for them. Ok? Ok.

Legendary pkmn;

Ho Oh: Free
Lugia: Reserved - Lady Myuu

Moltres: Free
Entei: Free
Articuno: Free
Suicune: Free
Zapdos: Free
Raikou: Free

Mewtwo: Reserved - Lady Myuu

Latias: Free
Latios: Free

Jirachi: Free
Celebi: Free

Rayquaza: Taken
Groudon: Taken
Kyogre: Taken
Mew: Taken
Deoxys: Taken

Sign Ups

Hisory: Optional
Weapon: Optional, it'd be either a spear, basic/crude shield, or small daggers or 'OTHER' but you must tell me what it is, and I will approve or not.
Pokemon: Pokemon require the basic sign ups of Name/Gender/Species/Main four offensive attacks/Main three defensive attacks You may also have ONE rare pokemon.

Note: Not many people will be accepted. Atm 5 will be let in. You may sign up for a second character, but that's only after I've accepted all I will accept. I will only reserve a spot if A: You are someone I trust. Everyone else, sorry.

My Character:

Name: Shane Isabel
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Personality: Shane can be a fire cracker of a personality at times. Sometimes leaping before looking, and ending up in trouble. She doesn't get scared easily, and sometimes will but someone's life before her own and try to protect them. Though when someone gets on her bad side, Shane unleashes a fury that can leave one unconsious. But usually Shane is a loyal friend when you get on her good side.

Description: Shane stands at about 5'8 feet in hieght, but she has just enough 'meat on her bones' to keep her from looking anorexic. Her hair is dark green with reddish/yellow tints, and is kept short, barely going over her ears. Her eyes are a light green. Shane has a light tan and her hands are callosed from the work she's done through her life. Her clothing is usually a ragged and worn looking t-shirt, once black but now is grey, and jeans so frayed they've become shorts.

Legend: Rayquaza

Weapon: Three daggers and a couple of old throwing knives


Name: Tai
Gender: Male
Species: Absol
Personality: Tai is like most absol, quiet and keeps to himself if not around 'his' human, he doesn't like going into places where alot of people are, but will do so if Shane heads there, as he doesn't want her to get into danger.
Offensive Attacks: Quick Attack, Mimic, Shadow Ball, Slash
Defensive Attacks: Mimic, Double Team, Leer
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Really and truly

Name: Sokami

Age: 19

Gender: female (but you weren’t expecting THAT!)

Personality: Truth be told, Sokami couldn’t care less about a single thing you tell her. If someone was lying on the street bleeding, she’d just pass by without a second glance. You could tell her the world was about to end and she’d just brush you off. She doesn’t care much about herself either, though; if her entire arm was torn open, she’s shrug and say something about ‘time healing all wounds’. She treats even her Pokémon this way, though she won’t push them past their limits- over time they learned how to live with Sokami, and they’ve toughened themselves up so they can take almost perfect care of themselves. The only thing their trainer ever does for them is take them to a Pokémon Center every once in awhile. Because of this they all have amazing stamina and can take quite a beating.
Sokami would never purposely hurt someone, of course- in fact, she prefers to stay away from contact of any time, including both human and Pokémon. She says little in conversation and can be quite snappy and rude, often cutting other people off without regard to their feelings. Still, she has good, valid opinions, being quite intelligent- she thinks more than she acts. Literally: sometimes she won’t even move a muscle, deep in thought about some thing or other. What she thinks about is anyone’s guess.

Description: Sokami isn’t exceptionally tall for her age, but she has a way of seeming taller and somehow intimidating than she really is. She has very pale skin that seems almost unnatural in comparison to her deep black hair, graced with dark purple streaks, which ends at her midsection. Her deep-set blue eyes are cold and accusing, and many find it difficult to lie when looking directly into them.
For clothing she wears a long-sleeved purple top with a ‘v’ neck, her thumbs poking out of holes at the ends of the sleeves. The shirt is rather worn and tattered, as are the dark jeans she wears, the knees being torn and the ends of the legs being all ripped, a pair of dark blue sneakers only barely visible under all the loose strings of the pants.

Legend: Mewtwo

Weapon: Twin daggers with black hilts, the blades also having been dyed black. The blades were also dipped in poison, and therefore a single cut from one can be deadly.

Pokemon: that one. over there. *points vaguely*
Yeah. Those three. Three. One, two, three. Them. yeah.




Well-Known Member
Name: Reckard J. Kage

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: A simple minded being at heart, he's really more of a soothing fellow in a trap of mellow emotions than a loose cannon of auspiring moodswings, though that side does come out every once in a while. Even a little fragile here and there, he feels very caring of his pokemon and people he loves. Yet even so, he has a very good distinction of character when he meets someone, yet usually that dosen't matter in the eyes of one good hearted, and struggles at times to decipher what is right. Not to much of a social person, yet not really a hermit either, he likes to genrally stary from the crowd out of fear, yet can genrally warm up to someone who tries over time. With a linear, swimming body, he likes to run alot yet falls slightly short on endurance, so really can't take too much pain without having his iron will to back it up.

In some cases, when he sees something he truly wishes to desire and obtain, he feels like thou should go to no end to get it, and that's usually ends up what happening with him, sometimes even going into a barking, feirce warrior if needed. In the intellegance of an average being, knowing a few smart facts here and there, through his intense bond with the pokemon he has befriended, a skilled tactian arises when creating a unique strategy for every pokemon he's loved.

In dire situations, he'll usually act on impulse, suddenly letting instinct take over in the case of rushing into the scene. His mind is just one-tracked simply every moment, concentrating on one goal and eventually overloading when charged too many tasks, the only strikingly deep thoughts he has is with his pokemon or beloved people. Hates everything squirmish, his favorite pt peeve now being Ditto. A very nice person with kind mannerisms and proper form, quite socialy exceptipal.

Description: A lot made from scratch, Reckard wheres a light, rugged and dirt stained, pearl white long sleeved shirt with the cuffs on the wrist obviously cut off, and a cylender of simple black fabric sown on instead. Going to just above the elbow, wrapped around over top the shirt is a thin, bright red cotton band with the earth brown symbol of two paralell horizontal lines and one vertical line run through, the right arm being the same except the color band being a dark wintergreen with the reversed symbol in a stinging teal gold, both colors being made by a few leftover paint palletes from the far discarded tails of many Smeargle.

Along the shoulders were two cerulean blue sheets of leather dubbed with the strong (anime) anger symbols leftover from a faraway gym, the torso down still splattered with durt and paint stains, thought on his legs are a pair of simple black jeans fitting nicely to his liking, though two gaping holes along the knee area leaving a chilling blast of wind often, though coveed up by two, evenly vut long peices from a traditonal crimson red paper fan kimono dress washed up and dried. Two practically obliterated pairs of socks on and a nice set of raven black sneakers bear his feet.

With the swirling, and illustrius trails of ghostly black locks twindling down his neck to rim the edges of his shoulders, and complement his slightly pale skin though alivend by the ultramrine blue eyes encircled by a magnificent blueish-green iris and a small golden line along its supple pupils.

Legend: Suicune

Weapon: 'OTHER' ..in a way. Long, midnight black scythe.

Pokemon: Ooh, Dice Roll.
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Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Name: Nyx

Age: 18

Gender: male

Personality: Not quite the most comfortible being to be around. He tends to say what he is thinking and does as he pleases with whatever he wants. Isn't easily bribed or won over. Friendship is likely out of the question unless the one seeking it is female and young, which is quite dangerous as unlike Wyn, he will advance much quicker and doesn't always care about if the feelings are mutual. He enjoys killing, actually he enjoys voliance more then his partner he travels with. He doesn't really take the word no and rarely enjoys following orders from anyone even if they have something he wants. He has no care for life at all, but enjoys his every chance he gets. He does enjoy taunting.

Description: For a very tough guy, he only stands around 5'5 and is rather lean in build. While he is toned and seems very fit, he is one of those oddly thinned persons. He has light pinkish colored hair that is cut short and his eyes are a violate hue. The hair is cut very short and it lays over his head in a messy fasion. His smile is rather creepy because his eyes always seem to hold a different intent then the smile is trying to pass. His clothing is a skin tight muscle shirt, a bit worn out and is faded to a dim black then what it use to be. He also wears jeans that are a size to big and are torn all around the bottom of the pant legs, he wears a chain through the belt loops to keep it up.

Hisory: Nyx had a simple childhood, nothing graphic really happened other then having little to eat and the likes of a dying world. He just broke away from his parents at a young age and stepped out onto his own path, which brings us to the perverted killing monster we have now. Enjoy.

Legend: Mewtwo

Weapon: http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/253683/2/istockphoto_253683_gun.jpg limited amount of ammo. Rarly fires. Meant to intimdate.

Pokemon: Ditto

Name: Mooka
Attacks: Transform
Description: A small little blob, fits in the palm of a man's hand. More of a deeper purple then that of a normal ditto. Can transform just fine though its talent remains in that of baby/cute little pokemon.
Personality: A rather snickering little obedient annoyance that causes quite a bit of trouble. Rather intelligent compared to Lulu and seems to be planning things on its own.

Name: Wyn

Age: 22

Gender: male

Personality: A bit more calm then his travel partner. He doesn't talk very much and rarely gives any sort of look to give away his current thoughts. He is much better at hiding his true intentions then Nyx as he smiles and speaks with a calm safe feeling. Though he is a tad less hisitent to kill he will and has done so. If he doesn't like someone he may not tell them directly but will now aid them if they need it and if they truly cross him he may just let Nyx show them a thing or two. If anything he can deliver the message if he chooses so. Though Wyn does have a small weakness for money and any sort of thing he can sell for a price. He also doesn't mind to eye and advance on women, though his intentions are far less deadly then Nyx's. He will be kind and more of a gentlemen around the female sex and while his intentions are usually that of pleasure for himself, he doesn't intend on anything beyond that.

Description: A very tall man, standing around 6'2 in height and is quite a bit more broad shouldered and build. He has a toned muscle system and as he appears to walk around shirtless most can see it. He only wears a pair of dark blue jeans that somehow stay up. He has nicely tanned skin and carries a small brown Pancho almost, for when he travels under the hot sun. His hair is a strange white color which falls over his eyes and most of it goes past his ears a bit. His eye color is a yellowish green. He carries the machete in a loop tied to his pants.


Legend: Lugia

Weapon: machete

Pokemon: Aerodactyl

Name: Lulu
Attacks: Wing attack, Bite
Description: From head to toe she is about four feet tall, while from nose tip to tail she is about six feet long. While she is a young girl and no where near adult hood, she can push her way around a little bit but can't handle riders yet and not for another few years. Her coloration is still a strange pink tint that is fading away into the brown color that adulthood would hold for her.
Personality: A little brat at times, acts like a toddler with to much sugar. But has enough sense to know how to get in and out of trouble. Though she usually fails this. Obeys only Wyn and really likes to try and 'eat' the ditto Nyx owns, she enjoys being a brat and is spoiled to the bone about it from Wyn.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
neh ..... 3 people. Well atleast no one is a noob here. Lesse.

Psychic: Sorry, can't accept you/deny you really as Mewtwo was already reserved/taken, please edit your post.

Crystal: hmm .. the clothes sound a bit advanced for right now, given the fact berries would = food not clothing dye and the sneakers sound like they've been preserved :p hm ... drop the pokeball sign on the blade and it's in. And could you send me a sample of your role playing skills? Anything really. I'll make it where your pm can go through, so don't worry about that.

Lady Myuu: Accepted. Nyx gets a ditto, Wyn gets an Aerodactyl


Hrrm sounds cool may i join?

Name: Jed
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Jed mainy keeps to himself and prefers to travels alone, as far as hes concerned his problems are his alone and believes everyone should have this opinion. If he comes across someone in need of help he usually walks on by, unless there is something he can gain from helping the person out (e.g. cash). Jed comes across as rather cocky and aggrogant and turth be told he is, Jed knows aboat the new societys law but usually chooses to engore them.
Description:Jed is 6'2", has a regular build. Jed has messy long blonde hair, due to the fact he can't be bother to cut/comb it, he has dark brown eyes and a scar just bellow his right eye, he wears a long dark red jacket, which is usually open revealing a plain black t-shirt underneigh, he wears well-worn blue demin jeans which are ripped around the bottom, to keep these up around his waist, he wears a black studded belt (example) and finally he wears a pair of black steel toe capped boots.
Legend: Ho-oh
Weapon:a Katana a long Japanese sword and a Jitte a short japanese sword mainly used for selfdefence and breaking the opponets weapon (More info)
(If i'm only allowed one I'll have the Katana)


Not a Seadra
<< >> Well someone who looks like a good enough sign up took Suicune. 'Sokay though, I think I'll reserve Entei.

Will get my form in asap. ee; And I won't disappear either.