I'm slowly but surely building up a primarily Psychic team: Alakazam, Espeon, Gardevoir (three of my favorites!), Lopunny, Leafeon, and possibly Gallade. As for Gardy, I'm going for a Sp. Sweeper, but I'm having my doubts.
@ Leftovers / Life Orb ???
Nature: Modest / Calm ???
Trait: Trace
EVs: (Help!) 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 6 HP ???
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Will-o-Wisp / Wish ???
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm slowly but surely building up a primarily Psychic team: Alakazam, Espeon, Gardevoir (three of my favorites!), Lopunny, Leafeon, and possibly Gallade. As for Gardy, I'm going for a Sp. Sweeper, but I'm having my doubts.
@ Leftovers / Life Orb ???
Nature: Modest / Calm ???
Trait: Trace
EVs: (Help!) 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 6 HP ???
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Will-o-Wisp / Wish ???
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!