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Gardevoir or Eruredio?

Eruredio or Gardevoir?

  • Total voters

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Who is better?Gardevoir or Eruredio?VOTE NOW!
I say Eruedio and gardevoir.
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i like gardivuar better, the other one shouldnt have been a double type, thats unfair, and gardivwar shouldve been phycic/grass, its green and has a petal. i dont like either, but gardivwar still beats him by 2-no, 3
miles(maby more)
Gardevoir,nothing beats the original.

saddly it seems areus is beating mew...

Sonozaki Maya

realized seraph
Erureido is insanely balanced, though it doesn't hold a candle to Medicham who has Pure Power... It depends on personal preference, really. Gardevoir and Erureido can both be pwnage if you play your cards right and at least appreciate Erureido is far more physical than magey (special). Yeah, Erureido adds another Pokemon to break the DARK PWNZ PSYCHIC LOLLOL rule... (Psychic/Fight lol)
But if Erureido and Gardevoir are in battle, Erureidos fighting and psychic attacks wont affect Gardevoir that much but he learns shadow ball which is potentially a threat! A Calm Mind from Gardevoir followed by a Psychic leaves Erureido defeated. So yeah Gardevoir in appearance and battle..


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
^ (Misty Lover)

No one in their right mind would send in those two against each other. And even if that did happen, Eruriedo would feed on Gardevoir's pitiful Defense and mess him up with some elemental punches if from Emerald.

Also, as I mentioned before, Eruriedo can use the elemental punches, and with a fire punch, he is the best Metagross counter.


I voted Erureido although they are close, but Erureido seems to be more balanced move-pool wise. But if they were fighting each other, Gardevoir would win.
^ (Misty Lover)

No one in their right mind would send in those two against each other. And even if that did happen, Eruriedo would feed on Gardevoir's pitiful Defense and mess him up with some elemental punches if from Emerald.

Also, as I mentioned before, Eruriedo can use the elemental punches, and with a fire punch, he is the best Metagross counter.

Gardevoir doesnt have pitiful defense, its normal....and so, erureido has the same defense stat as Gardevoir, same speed and same HP. Gardevoir has better Special Attack, Erureido Attack, same Special Defense....so yeah Gardy can definitely win against Erureido..


ooo, what's cooking?
gardevoir is too frenchy, i like eruedo cause he cooler.


I dropped my balls
Gardevoir doesnt have pitiful defense, its normal....and so, erureido has the same defense stat as Gardevoir, same speed and same HP. Gardevoir has better Special Attack, Erureido Attack, same Special Defense....so yeah Gardy can definitely win against Erureido..

Somebody failed to notice that the attack stats are switched, not the defense stats. This puts Gardevoir in a terrible disadvantage, and 1 blade test from Erureido will finish Gardevoir

The low defense stat doesn't matter for Erureido in this battle, because Gardevoir can only use special attacks effectivly. Unless Gardevoir can get a will o wisp in, she's doomed, and even with WoW, her chances are not good.
So Erureido IS better, and his movepool is godly


Well-Known Member
Gardivoir. i hate Eruredio .

-Chimungus ;457;


I said Both but i like Erureido more followed by Gardevoir.
Erureido is so cool with those Blade-like arms.