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garyados or donphan

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Master Trainer
which one is beter?

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
in-game probably donphan, for netbattle, gyarados. I don't like donphan's speed and weakness to special attacks, and gyarados is better for attack and has a smaller movepool for that as its best move for HP flying is hard to get especially for the desired base power. If with desired stats, it can be awesome.


Gyrados as it can learn far better moves than Donphan, such as thunderbolt, ice beam and flamethrower. The Donaphan can't really learn many good moves


Marsh Trainer
Gyarados can learn good special moves but its special attacks is bad if compared with its physical attack power.

Masquieran Chilli

this probably depends on whether you want a better physical pokémon or special poké. physical=donphan special = gyarados

Obiwan Shinobi


donphan is a rapid spinner
gyarados is a dragon dancer


Jade Star Trainer
it all depends on if u prefer def or sp. def.
gyradose = sp.def
donphan = def

king krab kingler

For a start,this should be in the polls section.
Secondly,this has been answered many times.

Donphan = physical attack
Gyrados = special attacker


The hoopy frood
In my experience, Gyarados has too poor a sp.attk stat to pull off the water moves it learns, such as hydro pump or surf, despite the fact that these are STABed. As an in-game pokémon, I've always found donphan more reliable and effective than gyarados. However, gyarados is relatively good in competitive battle as a dragondancer seeing as it has a great attack stat. For water purposes though, you can do better.


Well-Known Member
Donphan has good attack and can use Earthquake to full power. But since there are a lot of Pokemon that are water type or know water moves, Donphan may not be the brightest choice. If I may ask, why do you need our suggestions?
I suggest you use Gyarados. It learns better moves and if it would be Gyarados against Donphan, I think gyarados would win.



Queen of the Abyss
I would go for Donphan but it has more weaknesses than Gyarados does. Also Gyarados has a higher attack and can use Dragon Dance.


Well-Known Member
growlithian said:
this probably depends on whether you want a better physical pokémon or special poké. physical=donphan special = gyarados
king krab kingler said:
Donphan = physical attack
Gyrados = special attacker

No. Gyarados and Donphan are both physical attackers. Gyarados's special attack stat isn't even close to good (the highest it can possibly get is 240).

As for who's better, it depends. As said, Gyarados isn't so great ingame, while it's excellent competitively. Although Donphan's awesome in both areas. Meh, I guess I'll go with Donphan, although Gyarados is better than it in competitive, at least Donphan is good in both areas.
Special Gyarados sucks. Also, Gyarados is awesome in-game.

Adamant Nature @ Leftovers
Return/HP Flying (good luck getting HP Flying, although HP Flying is better)
Dragon Dance
Thunder Wave


I used that same Gyarados in FR, coincidentally. Answering the question, I think the better one is Gyarados indeed. That set chaos provided (and which I also used in FR) is something the A.I. will never get by.
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