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GBA games-compatible?


PokéMaverick Hunter
I enjoy the Pokemon games, but I stopped short of getting any of the GBA titles for one reason: training sometimes gets tedious, and the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald games have no way to increase their playing speed, like the N64 Stadium games did for the earlier titles. However, if this new game has that sort of adaptor, I might get back into it. Has anyone heard anything about being able to play the GBA games on this new device? Here's hoping.


no you can't

There's no reliable source for that information. So shut up.

The DS does have a GBA cartridge slot, so they may allow you to battle using your hard earned GBA Pogeys without having to transfer them.


< looks friendly
considering the new game is part of the 4th generation i'd say not, but you would be able to use your pokemon from the 3rd gen games, cause you trade them from one of 3rd gen gba games onto diamond and pearl, but using ur gba games on battle revolution, i don't see it happening.


Queen of Charizards!
Well I hope that we can use the GBA gmaes since there is a GBA slot. We'll just have to wait for more information. The game is Coming out in a few weeks in Japan
^December is not "A few weeks"


How else can the FR/LG main characters be in the first video?


I don't see why not. The Wii is compatible with the Gamecube controllers, which means they have the plugs for them.
Plug a GBA-Gamecube cable in, attach your Gameboy and voila! GBA compatibility.

Any Pokemon that battle directly from a GBA game in Battle Revolution WOULD be at a disadvantage to the 4th Generation's battle system, but.
I think, but I'm not sure.
The Text above the movie where Darugia Parugia, Kyogre and Groudon battle, Sapphire is metnioned. You can probly link with PBR if you have DP in the DS Slot. Atleast, thats what I think It said


I sure hope you can have your Pokemon from the 3rd Generation on this game. It seems likely though, because of the FR/LG trainers.
There's no reliable source for that information. So shut up.

The DS does have a GBA cartridge slot, so they may allow you to battle using your hard earned GBA Pogeys without having to transfer them.

u dont have to be so rude to him and about it so shut up

On Topic:i hope u can i have alot of good pokes on them


Nothing to be done
I think this seems quite likely. If you remember, the first videa showcased the trainers from FireRed and LeafGreen. It shouldn't be any task to allow the game to access a cartridge in the GBA slot. The only problem is that many Pokemon reared on the GBA games won't function very well under the new battle system employed in the Fourth Generation, making them a bit useless in the game's colosseums.


Obviously we won't be able to play directly with a GBA w/ a FR/LG/R/S/E in it. The battle system is too different in the 4th generation...


PokéMaverick Hunter
Well, I'll just have to see. I mean, they were able to mediate the problems between RBY and GSC (like items, attitude and special attack/defense)... This would be my chance to get back in on it.


Queen of Charizards!
NOw if they didn't let us transfer the GBA pokemon if we don't want to transfer them to D/P, why would they show the characters from Fire Red and LEaf GReen in that first movie they showed. I think thats giving us a clue


i think the only way that it could be GBA compatable is w/ the gba/gc cable that connects 2 it. but i really doubt there will be GBA compatability