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GBA slot?


Wi-fi name is Spice
okay, why does the GBA inserted pokemon work with english cart, but not GTS

Wait, so this means you can trade pokemon from say your english emerald to your japanese Diamond or is this just for the wild pokemon when you're game's unserted in the bottom. Could someone explain to me how to do pal park.


Well-Known Member
it's like you cannot find a elekid by the power plant unless you have a jap. or eng. fire red in the gba slot and the english games do not work with pal park.


Well-Known Member
Wait, I'm confused. My English Ruby will work to find Pokemon like Seedot and Zangoose in the wild? I thought they weren't compatible with the Japanese games.


it's like you cannot find a elekid by the power plant unless you have a jap. or eng. fire red in the gba slot and the english games do not work with pal park.

What do you mean the eng. games don't work with pal park? Do you mean with a Jap. d/p cartrage?