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GBASP Language select glitch?


Kyogre Trainer
Something I found out when toying with my SP is that when you press start+select while the system is booting you can cancel the loading of any game. You can then press 'A' to begin loading it again.
One time when i did this (with my Leafgreen version I believe) I dropped the SP and when I picked it up it had a language select screen with Japanese (in japanese of course) and English. I have tried to duplicate these results but have failed. Can someone tell me if this has happened to them, why it happened, or how to duplicate the results?



You had the wireless adapter attached.

What happens when you do the "Start+Select" trick is that the Game Boy goes in "pause" mode and waits for additional info to come in via link cable. (You have to do this for most single-cartridge multiplayer games, as well as the berry glitch fix from FR/LG.)

This mode for the wireless adapter is used to search for other games using it and try to download content. I believe this is possible with some Classic NES series games, as well as a few others. But you can't download content from, say, a Pokemon game.