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Gears of War


Halo2 Vet
This is a thread about Gears Of War.

This game is looking like it will be the the game to keep everyone going till Halo 3 comes out , and it looks like it will be doing that to the fullest extent.
Now little kids beware the trailer is a bit bloody.

[Warning Explicit Content] there i warned you.

link to the trailer
more vids at http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?fs=1&id=1650

Now the thing i love is the amazing Graphics and model and texture detail done here and the one thing that make me love this game is that Chainsaw bayonet.
I'd just like to point out that the newest trailer contains graphical details and expressions that will not be featured in the game. In other words, it won't look as good.

Also, the game to keep everyone going till Halo 3 comes out? This is Epic we're talking about, they'll easily surpass that garbage.

Horn Drill

Why is there not a more recent topic on a game this awesome? o_O

Anyway, this game is great and crazy. I just got back from a GoW party a few hours ago, and we had a lot of fun doing system link. The game is pretty realistic too. (Other than the fact that hitting someone with your elbow is more effective than shooting him, and the fact that someone coming up to you and saying "get up" will stop you from bleeding to death. lol) There's a lot of strategy involved, and the online play just gets incredibly addictive.

BTW, Target has Gears of War on sale for $39.99 this week until Saturday. I suggest that everyone with a 360 go pick this one up.

Horn Drill

Wow 39.99, in Canada we get it free with our console if we trade in our Xbox

That's a good deal. :eek:

Gah! I hate Gamestop. If you even mention this game in front of the cashiers, they card you. :mad:

Did you know that Gears of War is so violent that it's banned in Germany? :p Pansies. lol


um, and stuff
The only game I knew tha was banned somewhere was Manhunt in Australia. Man my dad made me trade in Gears because he thought it was too violent. Too bad I missed out on a pretty good game. At least I did get 45$ for it.

Horn Drill

The only game I knew tha was banned somewhere was Manhunt in Australia. Man my dad made me trade in Gears because he thought it was too violent. Too bad I missed out on a pretty good game. At least I did get 45$ for it.

That sucks. D: You should go back and buy it again and play it while he's not looking. XP

IMO, it's not really all that violent. Or rather, it's not as violent as it could be. Sure, some blood spurts out when you get shot, but that's why it's rated M. Don't get me wrong- it's a very violent game, but it's not worth getting upset over, if you ask me.

Or maybe I've just grown really thick-skinned. o.o

Horn Drill

Curbstomping people. Chainsawing people.

I'd say it's pretty violent.

But it's not worth freaking out over. The game has a reputation for being overly-violent, but it's really not all that bad if you're the type to play this sort of game anyway.
I completed the game on any difficulty, and didn't know what to do after it.
I played some online battles and it's pretty boring, but it was fun playing
multiplayer with my brother. It's a great and smooth game, I don't really
care about the violence I don't even see it anymore. I like it because it's a
strategic game, rush towards your enemies and you get killed.


um, and stuff
Well if you're under 17-18, you shouldn't be playing Gears of War anyway.

My parents don't care if I play it at a friends (He can play any game he wants), they don't care about demos either it just when I actually own the game

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
GoW is one of the best games for the 360. If your allowed, get it. If not....uhm...sorry, I can't think of any kid friendly titles that can campare to it on the 360 :/
For some reason GoW reminds me of Killzone. -_-'
...And the commercial was pretty weird. Why the heck was "Mad World" the background song? :S ...Is it in the game?
For some reason GoW reminds me of Killzone. -_-'
...And the commercial was pretty weird. Why the heck was "Mad World" the background song? :S ...Is it in the game?

No, it's not. But the commercial was awesome, though I would have liked if there were moments that are actually like that in the game.

And Killzone is nowhere near as good as GoW, and if GoW should remind you of anything it is kill.switch.


space cadet!
I know I'm going to get flamed for this...but I simply can't bring myself to play a game with a lead character that so closely resembles Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. O_O