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Gears of War


Well-Known Member
I really wanted to get this game but once I saw it was only for the X-Box 360 I was crushed. I want to know if you want this game and if you think it should also be for another system like maybe X-BOX!


Well-Known Member
i know this isn't about Gears of War but do you know (or anyone else) when Halo 2 is coming out for the PC


Well-Known Member
i dont like google
and the link doesn't work


Well-Known Member
hmm whatever might just be my old crappy computer
Xbox 1 could NOT handle Gears of War.


Well-Known Member
that is true because probably the graphics or the gameplay


Twilight of Aquarius
Dude, get a 360. People who want developers to make a game for an older system because they don't want to buy a new one makes me angry and sad at the same time.


Well-Known Member
ive been trying to but i dont have anough money yet
so ill have to deal with halo 2


Well-Known Member

if a Mod can close this please


Well-Known Member
you can??

ohhhh ok sorry