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Gen III Glitch Pokémon- Transferable?


Well-Known Member
Gen III Glitch Pokémon- Transferable?

I recalled how in Generation II you could send a Gen I Glitch Pokémon and it would turn into a Gen II Non-Glitch Pokémon upon transfer: (;000; -> ;212; ;213; ;214; ;250;). I was wondering what the case was with Gen III Glitch Pokémon, and can they be transfered to Pal Park?

Does the Unknown placeholder data (252-276) Glitch Pokémon turn into the correct Pokémon with the same index number? (? -> ;252;) Does Gen III ?????????? become _ _ _ _ _ in Gen IV?

I haven't been able to find information on this.


Well-Known Member
The only glitches you could possibly send are Legends affected by the Roaming IV Glitch. And those are legitimate. I'm sure GameFreak thought of this way in advance and made it impossible.

Besides, there really are no PkMn like Missingno or M-Block in Gen III.

EDIT: My bad. Apparently there are a couple, but I have no clue whether or not Pal Park would let them through...
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Well-Known Member
So we haven't reached a definitive answer?


Well-Known Member
So we haven't reached a definitive answer?

Many users here don't use AR or other devices, which are necessary for some glitches.

It is very safe to assume that it is impossible. GameFreak would have some method to account for importing glitches. Maybe check the Pal Park entry on Bulbapedia and see if there's info there?


Well-Known Member
Many users here don't use AR or other devices, which are necessary for some glitches.

It is very safe to assume that it is impossible. GameFreak would have some method to account for importing glitches. Maybe check the Pal Park entry on Bulbapedia and see if there's info there?

I already have, no information, outside of not having HMs is a requirement. I understand this, because the engines used to process overworld effects differ between generation.

How I think Pal Park works, is that you insert a Gen III game with Pokemon in the box. You can 'transfer' these Pokemon to a Gen IV game by the Gen IV game taking the data given to it by an intermediate program based on Gen III data, and then recreates said Pokemon in Pal Park. That means the intermediate program needs to know what information to gather from Gen III and what data to cache in Gen IV. We can presume it only caches non-Glitch Pokemon, but what information does it gather from glitch Gen III Pokemon? Would a ?????????? return an error message? Would it return null data without sufficient information to gather(invisible shiny Bulbasaur)? Does it cache a legitmate Pokemon based on the hexidecimal (like in Gen II)? What happens?


Well-Known Member
I already have, no information, outside of not having HMs is a requirement. I understand this, because the engines used to process overworld effects differ between generation.

How I think Pal Park works, is that you insert a Gen III game with Pokemon in the box. You can 'transfer' these Pokemon to a Gen IV game by the Gen IV game taking the data given to it by an intermediate program based on Gen III data, and then recreates said Pokemon in Pal Park. That means the intermediate program needs to know what information to gather from Gen III and what data to cache in Gen IV. We can presume it only caches non-Glitch Pokemon, but what information does it gather from glitch Gen III Pokemon? Would a ?????????? return an error message? Would it return null data without sufficient information to gather(invisible shiny Bulbasaur)? Does it cache a legitmate Pokemon based on the hexidecimal (like in Gen II)? What happens?

I'm thinking if it not legit data of Pokémon 1-386 (through Gen III), then the intermediate program simply disallows selection. It might not even show that there's a glitch Pokémon there. That's how I'd code it. ;)