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Gender Race!!!!

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Awesome God
Here's how this tread works.

The thread starts at 500
Men who post subtract 1 from the current number.
Women who post add 1 to the current number.
You can not post twice in a row. If the thread reaches 1000, the girls win. If the thread reaches 0 the guys win.


Start: 500
girl1: 501
girl2: 502
guy1: 501
guy2: 500
guy1: 499
girl1: 500
guy3: 499
girl1: 500
girl2: 501
guy4: 500

Got it Everyone?



498??? What purpose does this have anyways?????

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
495 Looks like the boys are winning up to now.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
492 I think only a couple of girls have posted.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
490 I don't really get it myself, but when in Rome.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
488 Where's Sunraichu when you need her?

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
486 Neither do the rest of us, just go with the flow.

Edit: Sorry my bad.
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Blue Snover

Cold as ice
485 What happens when we reach 0?

Come on girls you're letting your side down.

Edit: My bad again.
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