Still Dirrty
Welcome to the new general chat thread!
Want to chat more fast-paced with other spp people? Come to the #spp-misc irc!
It's very easy to join. Simply go to the SynIRC page on KiwiIRC, type in your name (and password if you have one), #spp-misc for the channel, and poof! You're there!
To avoid clutter in this thread, if you are discussing something that has its own section on SPPf or its own thread in Misc/subforums, you may be asked by a misc mod to stop talking about it here if it is better suited to those areas. If you do not listen to the mods, you may be infracted.[/B]
As before, this thread is for chatting, but keep in mind that this isn’t a chatroom. When you post here, it’s expected for your posts to have some content. The rules of the forum still apply in this thread. Typically, misc is more lenient than other sections, but that does not mean we won’t infract, so keep that in mind if you’re under the impression you can get away with anything.
Furthermore, any complaints about moderators/infractions/bans/etc do not belong here. Talk to a moderator privately if you have a complaint, the members of General Chat Thread do not care, and you will receive an infraction if you do so.
Also, a warning: this is the 2nd time we've closed this thread due to spam. Don't make it a 3rd time or else the thread most likely won't be re-opened. Report spammy posts to moderators to avoid this from happening, don't just complain about it in here.
this thread has become a spampit once again. please avoid making the following posts that are devoid of substance:
-"what did you eat today?"
-"what did i miss?"
-"how is everyone/how was everyone's day?"
-anything inappropriate
-anything asking about a ban or other moderation decision
-anything that is very obviously uninformed and stupid
-anything that will cause petty fights
-smartass comments about thread title changes
-any talking about how you make bad posts/etc. if you can't make good posts, LEAVE.
-replying to/referencing spam in this thread or any other part of the forum
-short chatting back and forth between you and another member (just use visitor messages)
this is not all-encompassing and in some cases SOME OF THESE (nothing about bans though ever) may be ok if part of a larger post, but if your post is pure spam and obviously not contributing anything to the topic it may be removed.
remember, this thread is NOT a chatroom. if you want to use a chatroom, you can visit #spp-misc or even #spp on purplesurge.
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