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Gengar set


I have one in Sapphire(no trading, so no breeding). No tutors. Timid. Ev'd in Speed/S.Atk.

What moves should I give it?

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
~ Thunderbolt
~ Pyschic
~ Destiny Bond / Giga Drain
~ Hyponisis

Gengar needs Ice Punch to work IMO.


Really? If so, I'll stick with Latios.

Latios is best with IB/TB/CM/Recover? Or should Psychic be in this Latios set? I have no DC.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
lol we did.

Sup aragornbird


No. I mean is it only really good with I-Punch?



For special sweepers, Ice Punch is one of your best bets since it hits types that are resistant to Thunderbolt. It can use physical moves too, but with a Timid nature, that won’t be very effective.


Yeah. I've just been using a team of Zapdos/Starmie/Metagross.