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Get your Signature Checked!!!

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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
1. Keep pictures 200x200 pixels or Smaller.


200 * 200 is a damned big file, you don't need anymore than this, and you are being given TWO of these images. As long as the two edges do not exceed a total of 200*200 the picture is fine, anything exceeding it will be removed.

You can, use both your image files to make one large image, by using both images right next to each other.


If you have an image that is too big, and have no way of resizing the image your self use these tags to force it down in size

[*img200] image link [/img200*]

Since this only shrinks one edge, and not both, I suggest you use some kind of screen grab (Print Screen on PC, Shift+Command+3 on a Mac) to check the actual size of the image as it appears.

2. No more than 3 outside pictures.

Images that you add from the Serebii.net archive, such as episode guide images, or sprites from the avatar list, will not be counted in this, as they come directly from the site server anyway. These 3 outside links obviously make up your image and banner limit.

2a. Give Credit Where it is due

Art Theft is no longer tolerated on the boards. If you have images in your sig that you are taking from web-sites, that are not made by yourself, you must give credit to whoever created them. This includes any images that you have been made in the Fanart forums.

3. No more than 6 links. (Includes Serebii.net/Serebii Forums ones)

Having too many links wont get your sig deleted, but you will receive a PM warning you to change it. If it's not changed, then it will be edited and random links removed until there are only three. This includes using pictures and banners as links.

This rule has now been increased, you are allowed up to SIX links in your sig.

4. No more than 1 Banner in a sig, no bigger than 468x100.


As long as the two edges do not exceed a total of 468*100 the banner is fine, anything exceeding it will be removed. In the case of having no other images (ie, no 200*200 images, no sprites, etc) you can have another banner. But only one.

To surmise:
  • 1 Banner, 2 images - OR -
  • 2 Banners, no other images

5. No Sigs with Caps purely, no text berating any person or any site or anything.

Insulting a member, group of members, moderators, admins, the webmaster, whatever, will get your sig removed and depending on the severity, a warning.

6. A Limit on Color.

If you can't find a colour that's right for you use this HTML True Type Colour Chart.

Use a maximum of FIVE colours, and remember that not all colours are visible on all styles.

7. No Large Text.

Size 1 - This is allowed
Size 2 - This is allowed
Size 3 - This is allowed
Size 4 - This is allowed in a very small amount, such as a name at the top of your sig
Size 5 and above - This is not allowed

8. No more than 8 smilies

If you want to put smilies in your sig, you need to find their exact url and use IMG tags to put them in.

9. No Images saved in Bitmap (BMP) Format. No Large Animated GIFs

Bitmaps are massive files, and on Dialup, a killer in loading time. Please save any images you intend to use in your sig as JPEG, PNG or GIF. Programs such as Paint, which save jpegs as low quality, should use PNG format instead.

Large Animated GIFs, approximatly 500k or above, will also be removed. This includes those Rip-Offs from Anime which are very common in signatures. This also means that a total amount of animated gifs cannot reach over 500kbs. If you are unsure, find out the file size of each gif and add them together. If it's over 500, then it's too much.

10. No Unnecessary Stacking

By this we mean putting lots of information in your sig, with lots of space and new lines so it spreads out and fills lots of space needlessly. Put small images next to each other one one line, and don't make lists when you can use commas to separate words in a sentence.


Now, this is a topic for you to ask about your sig, and whether it is allowed or not. it is NOT a place to get your sig rated, it is NOT a place to request a sig, we do NOT make your trainer cards or banners.

To anyone else who decides to help out, please follow the rules and make every effort to be sure all the rules are being followed.
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RaZoR LeAf said:
wait until a MODERATOR replies and tells you otherwise.
May I ask why?

I'm getting kind of tired with this "let's treat moderators better than everyone else!" crap that the moderators themselves are enforcing. If I want to help someone, then I'm damn well going to help someone. I know the signature rules inside out. Does that mean I can't respond to anything here? Some of the moderators have broken the signature rules too. What does that say about them?

Edit: I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, since obviously moderators are the only people that can have a say in how/where to update/edit things and whatnot, but you should mention a thing or two about the type of picture file that you're allowed to place in your signature. Such as the no .bmp rule, as an example, unless that was - for whatever reason - deleted? It shouldn't have been if so; uncompressed images are killers on 56k folks.
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Jay said:
May I ask why?

I'm getting kind of tired with this "let's treat moderators better than everyone else!" crap that the moderators themselves are enforcing. If I want to help someone, then I'm damn well going to help someone. I know the signature rules inside out. Does that mean I can't respond to anything here? Some of the moderators have broken the signature rules too. What does that say about them?

Edit: I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, since obviously moderators are the only people that can have a say in how/where to update/edit things and whatnot, but you should mention a thing or two about the type of picture file that you're allowed to place in your signature. Such as the no .bmp rule, as an example, unless that was - for whatever reason - deleted? It shouldn't have been if so; uncompressed images are killers on 56k folks.

Because I noticed a number of people replying and saying "yes it's fine" when infact they weren't. I'm not saying that other people can't help, but people should atleast have a mod confirm it's fine too.

As for your second point, I only updated this thread because I thought the last one was getting too big, and that the sig rules weren't getting noticed enough. I copied the rules from another topic, so I missed out the rule regarding bitmaps. Thank you for pointing it out, i'll add it now.

Yellow Mit - Fine.


the Coolest
I have no doubt mine's okay. :p

You can aslo have images set up with a 400x100 banner on top, and two 200x200 under it. I'll get a example.

EDIT: Zark it. they wont upload. I think you understand though.
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Torkoal - Fine

Zaphod - Fine, and yes you could set that up, but Imagine most people wouldn't want to because of the effort they'd have to put into making it line up properly.
So I could have two 468x100 banners as long as I had no sprites, 200x200 pictures, or text? The text is the one I'm wondering about. =\
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Is mine good, or should I remove a bit?
Jonouchi one of the pics is bmp.

Vulpix youre fine.

Edit: I thought those "quiz" images were allowed. Like the Scyther one.
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You just have to change the trainer card to something other than bmp. and then youll be fine.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
is mine okay?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Cold Fusion - Miseed you out, it's fine.

oddish_Rulzzz - Both your trainer card and mini banner are bitmap images, please change them.

In order to change a bitmap, open it up in any graphics prgram (Paint, Photoshop, PSP), go to Save As, and change the format of the save, it's a drop down list beneath the name text box .
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