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Getting a Shiny Mudkip.


Elite Spriter
Ok I want to get a shiny mudkip apparently the thing to do is to keep restarting until I get one right but by restarting do they mean saving before I choose my pokemon and keep load it from there till I get one?

I need help I really want a shiny mudkip(mudkip me fav. pokemon)

Edit: btw the version is Emerald and I have tried the whole breeding approach and I hav eover 100 mudkips no shiny.

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
There's an entire thread for shiny discussion, but I'll go ahead and answer your question.

The odds of getting a shiny are 1/8192. So unless you're very lucky, it'll take a long time to get your shiny Mudkip. Theoretically, at least 8,000. But yes, you save before you choose Mudkip, then reset the game until you send it out and see the sparkles.

Good luck.


echospace obsessive
Save infront of where the mudkip is,and see if its shine if not hold down Selct,Start A,B and keep doing this proces until you get it.It`ll take ages..


Elite Spriter
Save infront of where the mudkip is,and see if its shine if not hold down Selct,Start A,B and keep doing this proces until you get it.It`ll take ages..

Umm sorry im new here I dont know much about the site sorry.And crab what do you mean save infront of the mudkip he is in a bag.

Thanks Black Widow ohh and thi is stupid but when you through out a shiny it sparkles?


The new tuxedo look!
My one and only sceptile, was obtained by breeding thanks to a benine spirit that could manipulate gameboys at three PM. Still, I suggest you keep on breeding in emerald because that way one can manipulate natures and iv's.


Elite Spriter
My one and only sceptile, was obtained by breeding thanks to a benine spirit that could manipulate gameboys at three PM. Still, I suggest you keep on breeding in emerald because that way one can manipulate natures and iv's.

Ok Im confuzed with the whole benine spirit deal and im not really concerned with natures and Iv's me just want a shiny version of my favourtie pokemon.

Black widow I thought so I knew it happened with shiny gyarados in c/g/s but I have never caught another shiny =( when I first played crystal I had no idea what shiny was but I think I caught a shiny cause I had pokemon with weird colors(shhs i was young!) and i battle many ppl that had pokes with weird colors so I was confuzed.