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Getting Mew


Guess Who's Back?
I need advice on getting Mew. One time it said, Mew used transform and i spent forever on the floor looking for him. Lol, I think he turned into a haunter and fell asleep in the walls or something. Anyway, I have a bet with my friend, who gets Mew first gets $30. Rofl. Anything for money. I've only seen him once, and the scene I described just now was when i heard him ( the floor log thing) and didnt see him. So, how should I go about getting him?


Better then you
Well finding him is pure luck. If you do find him make sure you have the Friend Bow(found in Mt.Faraway 30F,requires a key) and be at a high level. I was level 97 when I recruited him. I forgot to put my Friend Bow on,but I got him anyway. Oh yeah I almost forgot, make sure you have the Final Island Friend Area.


Well-Known Member
Well if you see that Mew used Transform, you know for sure he's on the floor. So after you've explored the whole floor, if you haven't found him yet, one thing you can do is stay in one spot and hold down A and B. That'll make turns go by quickly without you having to move, and Mew just might come to YOU instead. It's best to do this in a room with several entrances if possible, to increase the chances of Pokemon coming to you.


Guess Who's Back?
Okee. -finishes mission and goes to get the friend bow-


Well-Known Member
If you're going to Mt. Faraway for the Friend Bow, try and bring a Cleanse Orb or two with you. Once a Sticky Trap made my only key sticky, and I couldn't do anything about it, so I had to do the dungeon all over again to get up to 30F.


Better then you
If you're going to Mt. Faraway for the Friend Bow, try and bring a Cleanse Orb or two with you. Once a Sticky Trap made my only key sticky, and I couldn't do anything about it, so I had to do the dungeon all over again to get up to 30F.

That must have really sucked. That happened to me when I was in Buried Relic trying to get the HMs.


Guess Who's Back?
That must have really sucked. That happened to me when I was in Buried Relic trying to get the HMs.

It happened to me with my escape orb when i was in Purity Forest. I h8 that place with a passion.