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getting on my nerves

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i am getting sick and tired of people who request a piece of art AND THEY DO NOT USE IT! I AM SICK OF ALL OUR WASTED WORK AND THE REQUESTERS DON'T EVEN USE IT!

thank u for ur time!
I agree aswell although this should have been closed instantly!! :D


Ah Spam. Why do you want to make a thread for? You think people would stop "wasting fan art" if you just voiced out your displeasure? I think you should take the time to PM people who make the TC's. They will be glad to hear out what you say, but chances are, people make stuff like this for fun you know, they just want credit. You never know if they use it on another forum, but yet they probably give credit and the creaters are happy.
Well I know you run a shop here, so just bold/underline/italic the sentence "No asking if you wont use it in your sig!!!!"

On a lighter note, I would like to ask you, would you like to waste your life checking on the people that requested a "egg/TC/fusion/whatever" from you?
i'd have to agree with ShadowAlakazam
people may not have the time or just don't want to use them in their sigs.... or who knows.... they might use it for something else or in another place/forum....
a mod needs to close this...... > >


Just me
You know, sometimes people just save sprites they requested on their computer and look at them from time to time.

But yeah, this is not a request shop, so bye bye thread. *closes*
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