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Getting out of the closet (Not exactly what you're thinking...)


Okay, after quite some time just lurking around the forums, I'll be actually posting something there. But the words are running away from me right now... I'm really bad about introducing myself, but anyway: I just finished my first semester in college, I'm working part time and right now I'm on college vacation 'till March. :D What else? Oh, I like Pokemon (way to go, Cap. Obvious!), RPG, oldschool rock and some other thingies.

Yeah, pretty much like that. Just getting out of the closet and saying hi.

Mo Cuishle (or just Mo, if you feel like that)

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Hallo. Nice to meet you. It's goood to see some newbies here that can spell. XP But seriously, welcome. We won't bite hard.


teh w3lc0m3! B3w@r3 0f teh n00bs!!!111!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
R3@d teh r00l5 0r u'll b3 b@nn3d! B3w@r3 of teh n00bs, t00!!!111!!!
(You did read the rules, didn't you?)
teh w3lc0m3! B3w@r3 0f teh n00bs!!!111!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
R3@d teh r00l5 0r u'll b3 b@nn3d! B3w@r3 of teh n00bs, t00!!!111!!!
Annyywayys, he's saying. Beware of himself, or you'll be banned.

Enjoy the Pokemon Forums ever, and join Fizzy Bubbles as an RPG getaway (Did I even say that :eek: ? )


Well, thanks for the compliments, people! (I knew that the "out of closet" thingie would bring some confusion :p) And yes, I have read the rules and I'm trying really hard to spell correctly in English (since I don't talk/write on this language on a regular basis).


Obsessive Beader/Mod
I usually don't comment here, but I've gotta congratulate you. You type and spell better than most people online who have English as their first language.

Welcome. :)

"Well I was just standing here, and Tom Cruise locked himself in the closet.
I asked myself why won't Tom Cruise just come out the closet?
Nobody has no answers, and so I pull out my gun!
Tell my why Tom Cruise in the closet or else I'm gonna shoot someone!"

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Wolf Goddess said:
We won't bite hard.
Speak for yourself. ;P

Anyways, your spelling/grammar puts mine to shame. D: I gotta salute you for that, considering english isn't your first language.

Oh yeah. Welcome to the forums. Post often and don't be close-minded or you'll be E-Killed. D:

BTW, do you happen to know me? :p