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Getting the Sound From Videos


Say I have a video on my computer, how do you get the sound from the video into a seperate file. I assume you need to get a program for that, but is it possible to do it using only default Windows programs? I do have two male input/output things, which I can put one in a sound output and the other in the microphone one, but that produces it in a horrible quality.
I'm fine with downloading other programs, but if you do need another program to do it, could you link it?


You know RG r0x.
I dont get what you have already tried.

Get a wire which has buth ends with the plug which you put in the media ports in your computer (I got one with me speekers). Poke one end into the port where you put the speekers and one where you put your microphone and then start windows moviemaker or any other program and start recording sound whil you start the video. (I do that for online music and my speeker had a seperate wire which wasent connected with the speekers. And if this produces horrible quality, its with your wire or recorder)

The other way is to get FFMPEG and then start Command Prompt, put FFMPEG and the video into the folder which is showed before the ">" and then type at the prompt
FFMPEG -i "VideoName.ext" -acodec mp3 "Mp3Name.mp3"

I tried to keep it simple as I thought you might not know about MS-DOS much.


I've already tried the first thing as I've already stated but as I said, the quality is horrible.
The second one sounds good enough though, thanks.

EDIT: Yay for sounding stupid but no hosts linked to on the "official" website I've found on a google search have the file(s).
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