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Getting Version Exclusives


I'm Back
Have you ever used another version of a Pokémon game for the Third Generation, to get a version exclusive Pokémon onto your main game? For me, at the moment, I'm playing my Ruby to get a ;335; Zangoose on my Sapphire. Post your's here for R/S/E and FRLG

Blazin' Blaziken

Well-Known Member
I always took them from my brother ^^
Yeah, same here. I just take Pokemon Emerald from my brother, find my link cable, and trade with my FireRed. Too bad I lost my Fire Red a few weeks ago.


I'm too coo', foo'
I'm trying to finish my hoenn dex on emerald and I only need one pokemon(lunatone), so i'm trying to finish sapphire at the point and obtain lunatone.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
If they are version exclusive then you would obviousley need the right cartridge to get them. other than that you may be able to trade the odd ne or two from XD or colo.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I do that. I have each game (R/S/E/FR/LG) and am constantly trading. I have as many Pokemon as I can get (barring certain legendaries and some first stages) on my "main" game, which is Ruby.


Powerplay Champion
why yes,
tis the pokemon master way.


I am the game
i cant trade only with my friends :(


Who can say?
Yeah, I always get both games when they come out, one becomes my main game the other serves two purposes.
1) Gives me a chance to build another team (there are always too many pokemon that I want to use at the same time).
2) to provide the other with exclusives.
Currently my main game is Emerald. I recently rushed trough Sapphire to get Latias. When I'm playing a game I try to catch a couple of exclusive pokes and save them on pokemon box, that way I can transfer even if I can not trade e.g. if I then restart that game.