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Gitch... the game.

Professor Ivy

1st Princess Serebii
Can I just ask what is everybody Obsession with Glitchs.

Oh yeah and I found is

Glitch Version Cartridge

Emo Saria

Be my Penguin <3
glitches can be a fun experience as long as theres a way to fix the glitch. like the glitch to get pokemon over level 100 or get 100 of whatever you want other then things like bikes and item finder. I bet cha anything that glitch game is fake.


Well-Known Member
No kidding it's fake. Don't insult her intelligence. -.-

Glitches are fun to just mess around with and see what happens. It's hard to explain really, there's just something about finding a new glitch nobody's heard of.
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Yumi Yuko

That game's a fake. I know. You got that pic off of trsrockin.com, huh?.

Yumi Yuko

I do agree it looks awsome. But it's still fake. That would be cool if that was a game.

Marty MC

well yeah loox kinda fake o me qus u know nintendo will never make sumthing like this
Thats A Sapphire Cartridge With A New Sticker


a glitch verson is a bad idea I mean think about it you might not get to do anything but walk around, you might not be able to get anypokeballs except for regular pokeballs or master balls etc.


Professor Ivy said:
Can I just ask what is everybody Obsession with Glitchs.

Oh yeah and I found is

Glitch Version Cartridge
That was a fanart thing that TR Rose made. She's pretty good with the photoshop.


About the typo in the title of this thread...

"Gitch" means underwear. Pokepanties, the game. Uh...huh...

I would hate a glitch version. It'd be pointless.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mew3
fake no matter what


IT'S MEANT TO BE FAKE!!! (I think it was an award/certificate thingy for one of the contests.)

Anyway, it looks authentic enough to fool some n00bs.

~Death Star ;121;;373;