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glalie, a good team ice member?


<--battle in style
so? any answers


<--battle in style
no course not i only use legends against my friends though I want a team with non legends for those who dont want me using legends

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Where'd you get your information on that? If it wasn't a legendary, what does it belong to? The trio of rock, ice and steel who get pwned by fighting attacks?

Jynx and Lapras are pretty decent Ice types though.

Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Lovely Kiss

Modest Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- T-Bolt
- Rest


no course not i only use legends against my friends though I want a team with non legends for those who dont want me using legends

Any person with common-sense would see that non-uber legendaries are perfectly fine. People who don't fight legendaries are most likely noobs and you shouldn't fight them in the first place.

Cloyster can come in handy:

Cloyster @Leftovers
Bold/Lax Nature
-Ice Beam

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Question: wouldn't Cloyster be a bit too fragile to be using Rest with its base 50 HP?