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gliches in mystery dungeon

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This is a page for disgussing gliches in mystery dungeon.
Mine is that i can get minun in red


Minun is not a glitch. You might of saved or got saved by someone who has blue before.
Minun is not a glitch. You might of saved or got saved by someone who has blue before.
I have never connected before


LOZ:TP player
I recruited a duskull in sky tower, Raquaza killed it, but when I went to its freind area I saqw it was there.


PokeMon Professor
That's because Sky Tower Summit/Peak (whatever it's called) is considered a different dungeon. Once you hit the save point in the middle, it registered your Duskull as an official member of your team, so if you dismissed it or it was killed, it would have gone back to its friend area. The same thing happened with my Ditto in Frosty Forest.
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