Codenumber 242
Welcome! Here you can like make up your own glitches, but, of course, there are a set of rules:
1. No Spamming
2. No Flaming
3. Basically it can be any RPG, but make sure it makes sense.
4. Have fun, oh, and of course, they won't work.
5. Make sure you say the game as well.
Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green
In the Safari Zone, when you have 100 steps to go, use a Repel (wont work with a Super Repel of Max Repel). Then the effect will wear off the moment you come out, then a Pokemon known as PA will appear. Apparently this is based on the PA that tells you when you've ran out of time. It has 0 Hp and is at Level 0. You cannot catch it, in fact, you can't use anything from your bag. Then when you have beaten it, you will be in Hoenn!
Fire Red/Leaf Green
When you nickname a Pokemon another Pokemon's name (e.g. Moltres is nicknamed Rayquaza), the next 5 hours you play it, turn it off. You can do it more than 5 hours if you want. Then, even if you don't save, the pokemon you nicknamed will be the Pokemon name you nicknamed it as!
1. No Spamming
2. No Flaming
3. Basically it can be any RPG, but make sure it makes sense.
4. Have fun, oh, and of course, they won't work.
5. Make sure you say the game as well.
Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green
In the Safari Zone, when you have 100 steps to go, use a Repel (wont work with a Super Repel of Max Repel). Then the effect will wear off the moment you come out, then a Pokemon known as PA will appear. Apparently this is based on the PA that tells you when you've ran out of time. It has 0 Hp and is at Level 0. You cannot catch it, in fact, you can't use anything from your bag. Then when you have beaten it, you will be in Hoenn!
Fire Red/Leaf Green
When you nickname a Pokemon another Pokemon's name (e.g. Moltres is nicknamed Rayquaza), the next 5 hours you play it, turn it off. You can do it more than 5 hours if you want. Then, even if you don't save, the pokemon you nicknamed will be the Pokemon name you nicknamed it as!