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Glitch?? & Current Team

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=) Hello, dont know if this is a glitch but since i stepped into the 'Haunted Pokemon Mansion' where that ghost appaears =/ My 'Golbat' keeps evolving every level, I'm currently on Lv. 36 & when will it evolve into Crobat?? Or is this a glitch :[

&& My Team =D

Lv. 40

Mimen (Mr. Mine)
Lv. 57

Lv. 35

Lv. 36

Lv. 37

Please rate it :) ;107;


obvously it wont evolve until you have the national dex, crobat isant on the pokedex same for chansey

and it evoles wit taming, this is basic stuff

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
what haunted mansion??
edit: never mind,you meant pokemon tower,right?
sorry about that.
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Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
You need to get the National Dex to get Crobat. It's not a glitch. The same happenned to me.

Pkmn Trainer Gold

League Champion
As said before it is not a glitch you just need to have the national pokedex before it can evolve and this isn't the place to rate your team. If you do want someone to rate your team you also have to post their movesets


Thanks Alot for the help && I am a pokemon Pro =P lol.. I just didnt know that it couldnt evolve until 'National Dex' =) Thanks Alot <3
=) Hello, dont know if this is a glitch but since i stepped into the 'Haunted Pokemon Mansion' where that ghost appaears =/ My 'Golbat' keeps evolving every level, I'm currently on Lv. 36 & when will it evolve into Crobat?? Or is this a glitch :[

&& My Team =D

Lv. 40

Mimen (Mr. Mine)
Lv. 57

Lv. 35

Lv. 36

Lv. 37

Please rate it :) ;107;

Get yourself a national dex(by catching 60 pokemon and talking to proff Oak)and then it shall evolve.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Just so you know, your question is answered in the FR/LG FAQ sticky, which can be found here:


Please check the FAQs before asking a question, there's a good chance it'll be answered in there.

If you want your team rated, please make a topic in the RMT section of the site. However, you need to add your Pokemon's moves, Natures, etc, otherwise there's really no information to rate on.


-Answered, closed
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