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Glitch Or Just For Fun???

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Jade Star Trainer
beer lol
yea its pirated


Pinin' for the fjord
I'm going with a screwed-up game here, meaning pirated, but on the other hand, that could be why the item appears to have healing properties... -rolls eyes-


when 2 male pokemon in daycare..

I found something weird...Michael Jackson weird...
my friend gave me a hitmonchen and hitmonlee...both male...
I put them in the day care in my Emarld Version...
the old guy said"ah, its you,your hitmonchen and hitmonlee are doing fine."
"They seem to get along."

after the i walk for awhile...the old guy is outside..i talked to him..and he gave a egg....


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Kay, since the question's pretty much been answered, I'm going to close this...please direct all other glitch stuff to the glitch sticky.

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