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Ok one day while cloning Camelrupts holding Rare Candys, 2 pokemon from my boxes that I didnt clone Disapeared... My Salamence and Rayquaza...

Please tell me why this happened so it dont happen again.


*The Water Warrior*
Because when you cheat by using this glitch, you run the risk of messing your came up. When you decided to clone, you took the chance of loosing some of your pokemon, maybe next time your whole game will crash. I'll keep my fingers crossed, people just need to stop cheating.


Completing The Trio
thta is one of the most synical and judgmental statements ever hes asking a simple question and you've berated him for using a GLITCH which was put in the game by nintendo

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
Because when you cheat by using this glitch, you run the risk of messing your came up. When you decided to clone, you took the chance of loosing some of your pokemon, maybe next time your whole game will crash. I'll keep my fingers crossed, people just need to stop cheating.

Very true!


Well-Known Member
I clone hundreds of rare candies, maybe I'm just pushing my luck but I can't stop cloning. I guess I'll just have to learn the hard way. Just in case that happens I cloned all of my pokemon on emerald and transfersed them to LG.
Or mabye it was because when i was trading a friend he just turned his game off... i didnt notice it untill 2 hours later


Hikari Trainer
yeah i don't clone but have read about this type of thing.
Why is your Salamence still on your Emerald Team in your Signature then?

That is not the point!!! and its because i havent updated now dont get stupid... Im asking a question... and why is everyone soo like rude...

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
If you put a poke in the box between saving and talking to the woman they'll dissapear forever

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
... Im asking a question...
Why is your Salamence still on your Emerald Team in your Signature then?
Guess what? Look like he was asking a question too.
Now as for the subject of your pokemon's deletion, I'd assume it's because of one of two things: When you spawn pokemon via action replay, that pokemon has to go somewhere, and it goes in your box, and overrites one of your pokemon. Did you have those pokemon in the first slot of the box you cloned your pokemon in?
Or maybe there was a reload error when you turned off the game whilst trading.


Hmm.....That's never happened to me, and I do it all the time....

Besides, you took the risk when you cloned. Now I'm scared to clone.


um, and stuff
You should re-post this in the glitch thread but...
Maybe you did something wrong maybe it was random

Proto Entity

Crystal Spike
Because when you cheat by using this glitch, you run the risk of messing your came up. When you decided to clone, you took the chance of loosing some of your pokemon, maybe next time your whole game will crash. I'll keep my fingers crossed, people just need to stop cheating.

dude. only chance u lose a pokemon is when ur cloning the exact pokemon.nothing else..try a daycare..you maight have left it there to lvl up.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
If you want to discuss this further please do so in either the Glitch or the Cloning sticky. Thanks!

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