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Gmes you wanna see go next gen?

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken

1. Zelda: OOT
2. Silicon Valley


I want to see Zelda, mario,smash bros, Halo,Elder scrolls, Kingdom hearts, and grand turismo, GTA

Of course all of these are going next gen except kingdom hearts that we no of.

For some reason I would want to see a really good yugioh rpg go out for the 360 were it would have a really good story along with excelent gameplay and graphics. It could be good with xbox live for updating the cards, trading and dueling other players, and you could possibly buy cards with money earned through xbox live.



Final Fantasy XII, as much as I hated X this game looks so frikken awesome, it seems like such a waste to have it on the Playstation 2, just as the 360 has been released, and a few months before the PS3.. I noticed that a lot of the really hardcore FF fans really seem to hate it, but they have completely fixed the FF sereis, in my opinion at least. No more annoying random battles.. no more dull as hell turned based battles.. They seem to be borrowing a lot from Knights of the Old Republic.

Now they just need to get rid of the main characters that look like girls.


Storm Trainer
I would like to see


Execite Bike
Wario World

X-box 360

Temco Bowl, Madden Football is in need of a rival.
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The only games I REALLY want next gen are Super Smash Bros. Revolutions, next gens ofMario, Sonic, Pokemon, and Digimon, and I REALLY want Kingdom Hearts II.

Dragon Trainer EX

The Wanderer
1.Starfox.Definitely Starfox.


Hoenn Champion
When you say Zelda Ocarina of Time, do you mean the same with updated graphics? I would rather a new zelda game with just as good a story and gameplay, rather that redoing a game that has already ben re released twice. But I can definatly see where you are coming from.

Games I would like to see by nintendo:
pokemon - A 3D version of the GB games.
Zelda - nuff said
metroid - an even longer metroid game that is not a metroid prime game.
Starfox - I would like to see a star fox like SFA, or at least a game similar.
F-Zero - I think that the levels could be even better on a next gen console
Mario Kart - nothing else needed to be said

And ATM, that is all I can think of.
(incase of confusion, ATM means at this moment, I know it defeats the point if I am going to have a definition here.)


Kingdom Hearts II (Rated 40/40!)
Harvest Moon


oo; Wow. With all the expectation over KHII, I can just see a KHCVIXXIIIVCIX happening.

Err, two RPGs that are long overdue are a new Chrono Trigger (NO, Chrono Cross did NOT cut it for me) and a sequel to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. No need for them to go next gen as they´d probably do fine on one of the new portable systems, but still.


Team Rocket's Enemy
I'd like to see Mario, Super Smash Bros., Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon (if it's an RPG) and Kingdom Hearts go to the next generation. Those are the games that I am really interested in.


Yorei said:
oo; Wow. With all the expectation over KHII, I can just see a KHCVIXXIIIVCIX happening.

Err, two RPGs that are long overdue are a new Chrono Trigger (NO, Chrono Cross did NOT cut it for me) and a sequel to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. No need for them to go next gen as they´d probably do fine on one of the new portable systems, but still.

The Chrono Trigger guys are already making a next gen RPG: Blue Dragon.

You'll have to make do with that.. a new Chrono Trigger is extremely unlikely, Square owns the liscense, and the guys who originally made it, are owned by Microsoft.. It could still happen now, with Square being multi-platform. I just wouldn't count on it :(

The Battousai

I want chrono trigger for DS or the new gameboy. Not a sequel but a remake, same story but new quests. I heard it was a really good game but I never got to play it. BTW Shadowfax stop insulting rpg's just because xbox lacks in them, your best insult is that the main characters look like girls yet tidus and auron don't look like girls at all.

You'll have to make do with that.. a new Chrono Trigger is extremely unlikely, Square owns the liscense, and the guys who originally made it, are owned by Microsoft.. It could still happen now, with Square being multi-platform. I just wouldn't count on it

You know a sequel to Crono Trigger could come on a playstation or a nintendo system. Just because microsoft owns a certain company doesn't mean they own the license to make a certain game. An example of this is donkey kong, a game made by rare on nintendo consoles and were continued to be made on nintendo consoles eventhough microsoft bought rare. This was because nintendo owned the license that allowed them to make new donkey kong games. Sony and Nintendo both own licenses to make a sequel to chrono trigger so the game could also be made on both consoles.

To add to the topic

PS3 (probably the only one I'm buying)

I'm looking forward to (can't afford to buy all these great games though)

Kingdom Hearts 3
Katamari Damacy 3
Soul Calibur 4
Tekken 6
Dragon Quest 9
Final Fantasy 13
Ratchet and Clank
Metal Gear Solid 4
Vision Gran Turismo
New ICO/Shadow of Collosus

Xbox 360 (playing at my friend Jason's house)

I forward to playing

Halo 3
Gears of War
Half-Life 3
Ninja Gaiden
Blue Dragon

Revolution (playing at my friend William's house)

New Zelda
Super Smash Bros.
Donkey Kong
A non stadium/colloseum pokemon game
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Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
Wow i'm amazed Silicon Valley is remembered, i loved that game!
All the Nintendo regulars would be welcome on the Revolution. Mabey a 3D pokemon RPG game with actual damage contact between pokemon (well, i can dream can't I!). Or one in the style of the Stadium games as lots o' people preffered them to Collosseum/XD.

The Assassin

Striking secretly
A cool game I would like to see go next gen is the hit First Person Shooter Horror game is F.E.A.R for the PC.


Shiny Charizard said:
I want chrono trigger for DS or the new gameboy. Not a sequel but a remake, same story but new quests. I heard it was a really good game but I never got to play it. BTW Shadowfax stop insulting rpg's just because xbox lacks in them, your best insult is that the main characters look like girls yet tidus and auron don't look like girls at all.

I believe I was hyping Final Fantasy XII there. My only problem is that they do have some weird afflicition with making a lot of the male characters look like girls. I think you'll find I'm not the only one with that problem. And yes, although they could make a Chrono Trigger game for just about any console, my point is that the team who originally made it, works for Microsoft.

And hey, the 360 currently has more JRPG's, than either of the other two next gen systems. [eM], Blue Dragon, FFXI, Cry On, Lost Oddssey, and two other by Square ;p
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The Battousai

I like mistwalker alot and if their games turn out to be block buster rpg's, they'll cause 360's fly off shelves in Japan. If 360's sales pick-up in japan and remain momentous in USA, UK, Canada etc. their 3rd party support will grow like crazy. Now if all that occurs I'm going to buy myself a 360 and change my sig to "a new circle causes everything to change"-Shiny Charizard (pertaining to 360's drastic postive change in sales making it do well worldwide instead of remaining only succesful in western areas), but until then I'm sticking to Hideo Kojima's quote (see below) and buying a PS3 for my next gen console.