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Go with the flow...Gengar


Gizmomancer supreme
Phew...it's a long time since I faked a card (I've been busy with school) - does anybody actually remember me still? :) Anyway, I thought of coming up with a set "EX: Whispers from Beyond" but I don't really have the dedication to fake through an entire set...Anyway, I came up with a set symbol (which you'll see in the card below), so if you see the symbol on any of my later cards, it'll be from that 'set'. Enough rambling already - here's my Gengar:


Really meant to be a benchsitter - it's 'Unnatural Flow' Poke-Power works like a Poke-Body and Poke-Power at the same time. It stops each player from playing Trainers from his or her hand but not from his or her discard pile...tricky, no? So a strategy to use is to get Trainers in your discard pile before your opponent does, then evolve Gengar. Is it broken that way? Anyway, don't forget to tell me what you think!


Rev up those fryers
HOLY COW! 11/10 You made that?
If I didnt know better, I'd swear that was real!
Way to go, Shadow Bind!


11/10! It's great! It's exactly like the real thing, except attacks and retreat costs and PokePowers and pictures and... I should stop my blabbering now, shouldn't I?

Anyway, about your EX: Whispers from Beyond thing, is it going to feature Ghost Pokemon, because the name seems to suggest things from beyond.

Master Ein

Very funny it looks like the cramp Wayne from the cramp twins.Keep up the good work pal