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God-dang you internets! Help me forumites!


Badmans hipster
Hullo, I am seriously consiering buying a copy of Pokemon Emerald, especially because of the cloning cheat, but I also feel quite tempted by FireRed/LeafGreen. The only reason that I feel so tempted by FireRed/LeafGreen is that I really want a Mewtwo. Now, a friend of mine has a Mewtwo, but it's going to take something special to get him to trade it to me, which is why I come to you wise forumites. I aks you whether or not the vast array of legendary types on Emerald (largely Mew, Lugia and Ho-oh) are available without visiting a Nintendo event. I've tried asking the internets but, typically, all it told me was what I could get with the various tickets (mystery, aurora), and not WHERE to get them.
Cheers ;098;
The tickets were given out in america a long time ago, but you can send your games to nintendo somewhere for them to download the tickets to you


Badmans hipster
Somewhere sounds a bit vauge... I live in the UK you see, would there be any cost other than P&P?? Also, I notice that you want a Lati- would you be willing to trade... the red one... for a Mewtwo???


Badmans hipster
Yes, that's just become apparent, but I also quite fancy a Deoxys. Anyone know where I can send the game to in order to get the tickets??


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Here's a thread with a bunch of information on sending your game into Nintendo:


Sending your game in will get you the Eon Ticket and the Aurora Ticket. The first gives you the Lati you didn't get in your game, the second gets you Deoxys.

The only way to get Lugia/Ho-oh at this point (since all events where they've given out the Mystic Ticket are now over) are to get Colosseum for Ho-oh and Pokemon XD for Lugia. These are both Gamecube games.

Mew I don't believe was released in the UK yet. In September there was an event in the US at Toys R Us where you could get Mew.

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
Deoxys-FR could OHKO Mewtwo with a CB Shadow Ball but Mewtwo is still a force to be reckoned with.