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GoGo's Red/Blue Revamp Project


I Eat Zapdos' Eggs
Yes, after a long hiatus from spriting, I'm returning with the unveiling of my own special little project. GoGo's Red/Blue Revamp Project will eventually encompass all 151 Pokemon sprites from the R/B days, along with any trainers that I might happen to make. I'll probably be posting sprites in evolution groups every couple of days. Please, post comments or advice and if you'd like to use any sprites, give credit. Thank you!

Bulbasaur - Ivysaur - Venusaur 001-003
Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard 004-006
Squirtle - Wartortle - Blastoise 007-019
Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree 010-012
Weedle - Kakuna - Beedrill 013-015
Pidgey - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot 016-018
Rattata - Raticate 019-020
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Just me
This isn't like the kind of project that rule was made against, though, I believe - this just has one person deciding to revamp all the sprites, and it doesn't matter whether they call it a project or not. The projects the rule was made to stop were projects where everybody was supposed to send in their sprites to the project.


I Eat Zapdos' Eggs
Thank you for the praise! Zapdos, it just takes a lot of practice. A lot. Like, I started sprite editing a year ago >>

Dragonfree is right, which is a good thing since I forgot about the 'no project' rule. It's just one man on a power trip...er...mission. Yes, a mission.


Normal Coordinator
There are portions on the sprite that are plain black, and need to be recolored in order to make the sprite look like it is the Advance Generation. Additionally, the outline seems a wee bit dark, I'm not sure if they are black, but they don't look quite right. Some of the shading seems very off, as if the light is coming from two or more places.
They're good, but certainly not amazing sprites.


you amaze me.
They're very good! Keep it up!


I Eat Zapdos' Eggs
I know about the black portions, and I'm not particularly proud of the first dozen or so sprites (which I'm revisting because I cut corners and left black areas). Thank you for mentioning it and helping to kick me along into actually fixing them XP

Charmander to Charizard have been added for your viewing pleasure, and can also be found here:

Charmand to Charizard


Kauser il più grande
I started sprite editing a year ago >>

I started sprite editing three years ago! MWAHAHAHAHA!

There are portions on the sprite that are plain black, and need to be recolored in order to make the sprite look like it is the Advance Generation. Additionally, the outline seems a wee bit dark, I'm not sure if they are black, but they don't look quite right. Some of the shading seems very off, as if the light is coming from two or more places.
They're good, but certainly not amazing sprites.

He's right about all of that. But, the new ones are better!


Really and truly
Uh, they aren't so great. I'll go over them so you know why:

For the Bulbasaur line:
The entire outline shouldn't be black, or at least it shouldn't be so dark.
There shouldn't still be black blotches (areas where it's all black) on the sprites.
Too much shadowy area. They need more highlights.
The (original) outlines are pretty bad, so you need to edit them.

For the Charmander line:
Again, the entire outline shoudln't all be black.
Not enough highlighted areas on Charmander and too much highlighting on Charizard's leg. Also, you don't seem to understand the position of Charizard's right wing. It needs shading.
You should have tried to edit their outlines and shadinga bit more. Especially their flames.

For the Squirtle line:
They're actually lacking enough black outlining. o_O
Squirtle's head is practically square and its shell goes up too high. You need to do major edits on the shapes of all both Squirtle and Bladtiose, actually. Wartotrtle was pretty good, really, but now that I think about it, it looks a bit too fat and its shell needs highlights. Kudos for making Blastiose's canons look so 3-D and stuff.

Just work on it a bit more, kay? Practice a bit more and read over tutorials to get a good feel on how to revamp.



Normal Coordinator
Psychic, I'm not quite sure if GoGo wants to change the physical sprite...changing shading, outlining is revamping, but once you start editing it, it's taking a revamp a little farther (a la Dragonfree style)-Not bad, but those aren't true revamps...


Really and truly
Fine, shoot me. I don't mean major outline changes, I just mean making them look a bit less messy. Nothing major. *holds up hands*
I always thought revamping means fixing them so they look better, seeing as the old outlines weren't so good. But I think I better shut up and not start a debate about that.



Normal Coordinator
I hope you're joking...because it's not that big of a deal. It's the difference between changing outlining, and changing the physical sprite, changing the shape and form. Nothing major, it just looks like GoGo's just recoloring, not changing the sprite's shape.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Recoloring the outline is revamping too. GoGo has done a semi soso job at 'revamping' but it's not true revamping, like you're trying to claim Electabuzz, it's recoloring. And 'Ala Dragonfree style' so any sort of attempt at revamping is taking it too far? ... seriously you shouldn't get off topic like that Electabuzz, just let GoGo deal with the crits he gets, it's his thread after all, not yours.

Go Go, Psychic has a point, the shading seems off, iffy and the outlines are not the greatest. They're all mediocre at best, but if that's what you're aiming for, eh, you got it down.


Normal Coordinator
I don't get what you have with me Renegade, it's not offtopic at all...it's commenting on the revamps...I was saying how GoGo isn't modifying the sprite, but merely recoloring, which is a style of revamping which exhibits the original sprite.


I Eat Zapdos' Eggs
Heh heh...I should probably point out a few things...

1) My revamp style is mostly recoloring, with some reshading/reshaping as needed. I actually like the R/B look to the sprite...reminds me of a simpler time when only four colors existed: white, gray, dark gray, and black. I don't want to go into full advanced generation mode, since that kind of revamp (to me) doesn't capture the feel of the old generation. Typically, those just capture the pose, which makes me feel a little sad inside. XD

2) I know about the large black sections on the Bulba-line, as I've said earlier. I intend to go back over those sprites and clear those up, but I'm trying to get to the 50% mark before I go back and redo older ones.

3) Oddly enough, the Char-line does not have full black outlines. There are a few areas of black line, but only a handful. I did kind of crap out on the shading on this line...I tried to use what the sprites already had without modifying too much. Many apoligizes for half-assing it >>

4)The Squirtle line I like, since they required the least editing to still be believe R/B sprites XD Sure, Squirtle's head is a little square and sure, Blastoise is basically an obese man with a tumor-gone-wrong shell. But I like that kind of look. The lack of black outlining is apparent to me only on Wartortle, where I made his ear things too soft looking and should have put definate edges to his shell. Mistakes I intend to fix in round two.

One thing that should be noted is that everything from Bulbasaur to Raichu was done, oh, 5 months ago. When I put up Nidoqueen/king, you'll see a major jump in my skills XD


Normal Coordinator
Butterfree has some odd outlining errors, and the black part of the wings could use a lot of work, especially in the shading region. The end of Caterpie's tail is really weird...I dunno, looks off to me...