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Going, Going, Yawn! (332)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
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Going, Going, Yawn!

It's time for Ash's Gym Battle against Flannery. It will be a 3 VS 3 battle and flannery intends to use Slugma, Magcargo and Torkoal. Will Ash manage to beat them in this blazing hot battle?

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Another Flannery episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Insert eternal EEing here* They are gonna ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only bad thing about thsi episode is that Ash beats Flannery and Team Rocket interfering, but who cares? Flannery's in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Dies*

Factory Head Noland

I saw the japanese ep of this and I love this ep!!!!!!!! It's the best Hoenn Gym Battle so far!

Factory Head Noland

It was totally AGES ago, It was the Japanese version.

But it's not going to be that long until the English version is coming!!


Custom User Title
I saw it too, and it was very good. The battle was truly awesome, I can't wait to see it full screen on TV. As I've said before, 4Kids will have no doubt have ruined the music, but with such a solid episode as this one, it should still be quite good.
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Factory Head Noland

I know, I love the Advance Advanture tune in the background you know when Corphish uses Crabhammer against Torkoal and it spins around (lol) I watch some episodes just to listen to that background tune.
Also I love the tune when Treecko uses Bullet Seed against Slugma when Slugma has just body slammed it.
Background music is awesome!!
I wonder if they'll edit some stuff, like Flannery's entrance seem not so embarassing? Um, what's the English name of this episode if you know? If you don't, when will it be confirmed? Could you PM me when you find out? Please? *This is me being desperate, I hate manners!*
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Factory Head Noland

The dubbed title are as far as "Cheer Pressure" so yeh I will PM you the title when it comes out.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
If they plan to continue the 2 ep per week, that means we'd see this ep...in 4 weeks...YEA...i just want to see this EP...it's goin to be way to intresting...
It should air on November 13th, and the suspense is murder!

Factory Head Noland

This is totally one of the best Gym Battles ever but I don't understand why Ash used Treecko in it when he had Taillow, Treecko didn't beat any of Flannery's Pokemon but Taillow probably could have. Treecko got burnt aswell so it was totally useless in this battle.
Shows what Ash can do against Fire Gym Leaders using a Treecko.

Pokemon Fan

Knuckle Trainer
Pokemonisgr8 said:
This is totally one of the best Gym Battles ever but I don't understand why Ash used Treecko in it when he had Taillow, Treecko didn't beat any of Flannery's Pokemon but Taillow probably could have. Treecko got burnt aswell so it was totally useless in this battle.
From what I understand, Treeko was at the time the fastest Pokemon he had besides Pikachu. I think his reasoning was that Treeko would be able to dodge any and all attacks from the fire snails. What he didn't count on were Slugma's repertoire of defensive and debilitating moves, and the fact that Treeko didn't have enough physical strength to make up for it. Once Treeko's leg got burned it couldn't dodge as well.


Pokemonisgir12, you need to stop quadrouple posting. Anyway, I can't wait to see this episode because Flannery is hot, and I want to see Torkoal's dub voice. I tink it will be a great gym battle like the one with Brawly.


Shadow Trainer said:
Pokemonisgir12, you need to stop quadrouple posting.

Uh, she hasn't quadruple posted.

I'm looking forward to this match. Just one question:

how come in the past, when pokemon fall asleep, they are unable to battle (like when Ash battled Richie), but in this match, when Corphish falls asleep, he's still aloud to battle?
Uh... shouldn't the title of this thread be changed to the dub version by now?

Anyways, I have yet to see this episode. This is the only Hoenn gym match I haven't seen among the seven.