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The Scizor Master

The Scizor Master
Pic of goku. srry poor scannin.



id love comments


pretty good. and yeah, scanners can be little pricks. not your fault.

my only quirk with this is that he looks a little young for DBZ. he's got the hair and clothes of Goku, but age-wise he looks like Gohan fighting in the Cell Games.

but artisticly awesome. love the detail in the hair and battle signs. and you can't go wrong with a crying SSJ.



Bullet Punch
It's nice! I don't like DragonBallZ, but it's a very nice drawing~



Natsu no Maboroshi
DBZ is pretty good. Very nice.


its pretty good, but there are a couple things that get to me
one would be the little dark spots everywhere. I don't know if you intended it to be little shadin spots on the muscle, but they cover too small a range. Or if they're supposed to be dirt spots, they're too perfectly polygonal
it sorta looks more like his skin is made of chocolate chunk cookie dough :D

And the hand also is wierd. Now i'm not an anime watcher, but i think its pretty safe to say that even in anime, hands arent just circles with long fingers sticking out. The pinky and the thumb look really out of place, and thier all spaced out. If that circle is supposed to be like and energy ball chanrge or something? then it needs to be closed and hte fingers need more shading/base width to illustrate forward projection

just my take though, keep it up

The Scizor Master

The Scizor Master
its pretty good, but there are a couple things that get to me
one would be the little dark spots everywhere. I don't know if you intended it to be little shadin spots on the muscle, but they cover too small a range. Or if they're supposed to be dirt spots, they're too perfectly polygonal
it sorta looks more like his skin is made of chocolate chunk cookie dough :D

And the hand also is wierd. Now i'm not an anime watcher, but i think its pretty safe to say that even in anime, hands arent just circles with long fingers sticking out. The pinky and the thumb look really out of place, and thier all spaced out. If that circle is supposed to be like and energy ball chanrge or something? then it needs to be closed and hte fingers need more shading/base width to illustrate forward projection

just my take though, keep it up

LOL! u got it all wrong the circle thing in his hand is actually an ENERGY BLAST.

lol. thanx 4 comments.

latino heat

Mexican pride
It's really good but it kinda look's like Gohan