I was reading a post on the diamond pearl discoveries thread on serebii forums and it seems the whole red Gyarados thing ends up with it being on the tv at the beggining of the diamond/pearl story, saying that its rampaging in a "far-off lake". You're rival takes you to the lake near you're hometown or wotever, thinking something like that will be there but u end up seeing diaruga/parukia depending on your version.
Now this "far-off lake" is obviously Lake Rage from Johto as if Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald happened at the same time as FireRed/LeafGreen (basically the first and third generations, because when you traded between them there was'nt any time travel like trading from the gameboy color games first and second generation) then its very likely that Diamond/Pearl should happen at the same time as Gold/Silver if the Gyarados is raging at the same time. Also there are MANY references in the Diamond/Pearl games to Johto such as a gym leader from johto appearing somewhere along the story to give u something. Theres an old man somewhere that tells you about a silver pokemon in the whirl islands (Johto's Lugia) and a rainbow pokemon in the tin tower (Johto's Ho-Oh) and even someone telling of clefairy dancing on Mt. Moon and they only dance in the Gold/Silver versions of Kanto.
But wait theres more...i remember when i was playing LeafGreen on 5 island in the sevii islands when you go to rockets warehouse i really remember something about a LONG HAIRED RED-HEAD BOY saying that team rocket are nothing and he dislikes them very much or wotever. But my point is you're rival in Gold/Silver is a boy with long red hair whos against team rocket(but still has similar principals as them) as well and this boy turns out to be Giovanni's(Rocket's Boss) son, which explains his connection to them.
So basically First and Third generation happen then Second and Fourth happen at the same time but with a 3 year gap between the two pairs. Knowing this it gives a verrrrry strong theory for there to be remakes of Gold/Silver like there where of Green/Red (Japanese version of red/blue) unless gamefreak are a bit lazy and can't be bothered to do it. Also adding day/night would make it easier for compatibility between the games so if remakes of Gold/Silver come out instead of just day/night it would have all the five times.
What do ya think? If u think theres somin wrong with my theory say what cause i think its great....
Now this "far-off lake" is obviously Lake Rage from Johto as if Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald happened at the same time as FireRed/LeafGreen (basically the first and third generations, because when you traded between them there was'nt any time travel like trading from the gameboy color games first and second generation) then its very likely that Diamond/Pearl should happen at the same time as Gold/Silver if the Gyarados is raging at the same time. Also there are MANY references in the Diamond/Pearl games to Johto such as a gym leader from johto appearing somewhere along the story to give u something. Theres an old man somewhere that tells you about a silver pokemon in the whirl islands (Johto's Lugia) and a rainbow pokemon in the tin tower (Johto's Ho-Oh) and even someone telling of clefairy dancing on Mt. Moon and they only dance in the Gold/Silver versions of Kanto.
But wait theres more...i remember when i was playing LeafGreen on 5 island in the sevii islands when you go to rockets warehouse i really remember something about a LONG HAIRED RED-HEAD BOY saying that team rocket are nothing and he dislikes them very much or wotever. But my point is you're rival in Gold/Silver is a boy with long red hair whos against team rocket(but still has similar principals as them) as well and this boy turns out to be Giovanni's(Rocket's Boss) son, which explains his connection to them.
So basically First and Third generation happen then Second and Fourth happen at the same time but with a 3 year gap between the two pairs. Knowing this it gives a verrrrry strong theory for there to be remakes of Gold/Silver like there where of Green/Red (Japanese version of red/blue) unless gamefreak are a bit lazy and can't be bothered to do it. Also adding day/night would make it easier for compatibility between the games so if remakes of Gold/Silver come out instead of just day/night it would have all the five times.
What do ya think? If u think theres somin wrong with my theory say what cause i think its great....