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Golden Rapidash's high quality banner shop!

Golden Rapidash

Ichoose you Pikachu!
Well hi I do banners(on photoshop cs2-not the trial) and they are real good.
And please use the form below:
Hight(in pixels):
Width(in pixels):
Main image/render(provide link):
Main color(s):
Text(font if wanted):
Border/border color(if wanted):
Enjoy and I hope you are satisfied with the results :)


Well-Known Member
Hight(in pixels): 246
Width(in pixels): 95
Main image/render(provide link): pic
Main color(s): pink and white
Text(font if wanted): Shirona (black, cursive font)
Border/border color(if wanted): black

Please place the text on the right, and the pic on the right. (Only use as much of the girl's head a possible)
I'd like to request a banner:
Hight(in pixels):468
Width(in pixels):100
Main image/render(provide link):
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a295/NutritionFacts101/kingdom Hearts/8f58cd55.jpg
Main color(s):if you're talking about the background, the background that's already there would be fine, maybe add some nice special effects, you know, to spice it up a little ;)
^^^can you put that in a LITTLE corner, either on the bottom left/right^^^
Text(font if wanted): Kingdom Friends (
Border/border color(if wanted):um... nah

Once you have time, I can wait for this one:
Hight(in pixels):468
Width(in pixels):the width of the image
Main image/render(provide link):
Just at least get their heads in it(tell me if u can't)
Main color(s):same thing as the other one
Text(font if wanted): Kingdom Betrayal
Border/border color(if wanted):nope


Well-Known Member
oh, whoops. i accidentally put them in the wrong slot... thanks for pointing it out. Here is the size I would like:

Hight(in pixels): 95
Width(in pixels): 246