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Golden Sun

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Silver Mew

Mew Master
This is a discussion and Q/A Thread for the two Golden Sun games, GoldenSun, and GoldenSun Lost Age. If you have a question on this thread or the game, lemme know because I've beaten the game, know most of the bosses, nearly all the mazes, most the dijins location, etc. OK start posting now.


Powerplay Champion
I just want to say that the lack of posts proves that this was one of the most under-appreciated RPGs of all time, excellent combat, entertaining story, and it took quite a while to beat.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
I absolutely loved them. I thought they were so wonderful; such a refreshing change from the norm (which for me is Zelda and Pokémon).

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
The Golden Sun games had an interesting story, some clever puzzles, and nice visuals and music, but the in-battle gameplay felt too much like other RPGs, even with those Djinn that increase your stats and can be used for effects and summoning. I also hated one particularly ancient throwback in the RPG battle design: If one of your party member's attacks kills an enemy you have more than one member targeting, any other characters targeting that enemy will defend instead of attacking another enemy unless a new enemy is summoned into battle on that space befoe their turn or the party member's using a spell that targets multiple enemies. =/


I just recently played Golden Sun and it was an amazing game! I loved the battle system and the story


Hyper Coordinator
Great game, great story, but the battle scenes disappoint me. You can see the lack in pixels and stuff. The walking screen is very smooth and clean, that's good. World Map graphics just suck I have to say.

Still, good game, I enjoyed both.


Hoenn Champion
I really enjoyed the first game, but the second game felt kind of bare to me. I am sute that there were only about 8 cities that you could visit, andf it was suposed to be over the whole world. There were more in the first game, which was suppost to be just 2 continents.

All in all though, I thought that it was a great RPG, and I am hoping that they create another similar one some day. btw, why is it called golden sun?

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
I loved Lost Age (haven't played the first one) but I never beat the final boss :eek: After a few failed attempts I just gave up. I also didn't like the addition of Isaacs team, they were under level, their really only good use was for stealing djinni off of them.


Well-Known Member
The first game was alright, but not enough to get me to buy the second game.

There's not really anything special about it other than Djinn IMO.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
When I first began playing it, I despised it with a burning passion. But after I got round to handling the Djinn system correctly, I enjoyed it alot more.
The music was absolutely astounding, and the dungeons were all good fun as well, but the best bit was probably the Djinn summons. Judgement, Tiamut, Neptune, Cybelle, and Procne were especially cool.


Well-Known Member
I just want to say that the lack of posts proves that this was one of the most under-appreciated RPGs of all time, excellent combat, entertaining story, and it took quite a while to beat.

I second that. After Pokémon and Fire Emblem, Golden Sun could very well be the best modern RPG a Nintendo console.
The story, amazing. There just aren't enough words to explain it.
The gameplay was also great. The battle system is simply fantastic, like old RPG's. The Djinni also added a differcity to the game not even Pokémon has.
It also doesn't take just a few hours to level up to the maximum level, like most modern RPG's, it takes months. And also unlike other RPG's, those extra ten levels don't matter much against the strongest boss in the game. He simply remains hard.

This game is like the old SNES RPG's. Classic battlestyle with many sidequests. How can't anyone love it?

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I loved Lost Age (haven't played the first one) but I never beat the final boss :eek: After a few failed attempts I just gave up. I also didn't like the addition of Isaacs team, they were under level, their really only good use was for stealing djinni off of them.
If you had played the original Golden Sun and had beaten it, you could've ported over Isaac's team from that game with all of their experience levels, Djinn, and items intact, instead of just getting the lame "I didn't port data over" versions of them by playing Lost Age without doing that. You also miss out on some extra events that get you items you wouldn't get otherwise and an entire extra dungeon that's only accessible if you get all 72 Djinn across both games, and playing the first game gives you a better idea of what happened before the second than some crappy text narrative ever could.

If you still don't want to play the original Golden Sun but want to be able to unlock everything in Lost Age, it supports passwords for Isaac's team data as well as linking the two games together. I'm sure you could find several passwords on the Internet that will make Isaac's team have uber stats and stuff, but I'll let you find those on your own. ;P


Well-Known Member
If you had played the original Golden Sun and had beaten it, you could've ported over Isaac's team from that game with all of their experience levels, Djinn, and items intact, instead of just getting the lame "I didn't port data over" versions of them by playing Lost Age without doing that. You also miss out on some extra events that get you items you wouldn't get otherwise and an entire extra dungeon that's only accessible if you get all 72 Djinn across both games, and playing the first game gives you a better idea of what happened before the second than some crappy text narrative ever could.

If you still don't want to play the original Golden Sun but want to be able to unlock everything in Lost Age, it supports passwords for Isaac's team data as well as linking the two games together. I'm sure you could find several passwords on the Internet that will make Isaac's team have uber stats and stuff, but I'll let you find those on your own. ;P
Yeah, the second one isn't fun at that point if you don't get an already upgraded second party.

Anyway, possibly my favorite game series ever. EVER.


Powerplay Champion
mmm true...
do ya think they should do graphically improved remakes, or make a new story with the same combat?


Sigh...only if I still had Golden Sun 2. I wasted over 2 months getting Tisiphone Edge, Lachesis' Rule, and all the other rare drops. The hardest was Lachesis' Rule, that took a month of repeatitive Mad Demon battling in Anemos Sanctum...


Thunder Trainer
Ah yes. . . . I've been going through those two recently and it's great. Memories always come back. :)

I say a sequel should be made.


Well-Known Member
I LOVE Golden Sun.

My team was always Felix, Isaac, Picard, and Jenna.

And I loved the dual storylines. So well-developed.

I wish there was a third game, although it'd kinda defeat the purpose. I'd like to see a female Earth adept leader.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
mmm true...
do ya think they should do graphically improved remakes, or make a new story with the same combat?

They could, but Camelot have abondoned Nintendo to make an online golf game similar to Pangya!. This raises the question of whether or not we'll even see another installment, let alone remakes of the ones one GBA.
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