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Good EV's for Umbreon?

Hi guys! First thing, try to understand my poor english :p

Yesterday, I realized that EV thing, and when that happened, my Umbreon was at level 98, ough. I selected Bold nature for Umbreon, and I thought that I would get invincible destroyer Pokemon with Toxic, Mean Look, Moonlight, and Baton Pass. No, my Umbreon isn't destroyer. Its defence is 278, and its special defence is 309. Hp it has 345. Not good, Umbreons Special defence should be much more higher, and defence too. So now, I'm planning to train new Umbreon. I have Eevee at 5 level, and it has toxic, because I breeded it with Umbreon. It has Bold nature too. Tell me guys, do I get better one, if I battle against 155 Whismur (I will use 10 HP UP), 27 Sandslash (I will use 10 iron), and 27 tentacool (I'll use 10 calcium, or what it ever was...)? That amount of Whismur should raise Umbreons HP to near maximum. I share those 255 EV points between defence and special defence. Is this good idea, did I get the point of EV training...? Before I was so stupid that I bought all those drugs and used them to Umbreon, I thought that I would get good Pokemon by that way, aargh, NO! Is this EV training right for Umbreon? I want to boost its defences and Hp! I'm sorry about my poor english skills, hope you understood what I meant :eek:

And... I will use day-care trick that Eevee will learn Baton Pass without getting any EXP. Then I can start EV training from 0 points, right...?


oblivion weilder
i had the same problem which is why i had the topc, 'ev's not working' cos i gave it max in def and spdef and it didn't even come close, i think tohse ev's are good, but i soubt they would work


^ u probly had bad ivs. you need to check ivs on an iv calculator first


Well-Known Member
If you use a 'macho brace' you do not need to fight as many pokemon.

That is a good EV spread though I would probably put more into defence.
252 HP/252 Defence /4 Special Defence.

That is because the Dark type is weak to bug and fighting, both of which are physical types.

Edit: I think the moveset should be:

Mean Look
Thanks guys, I'll put 252 HP/252 Defence /4 Special Defence

But hey, why Bite...? I thought that it is no sense to put any offensive attack to Umbreon. I hope that my Umbreons IV's are good, because I don't understand that IV Calculator. I'll try it. One more thing... If I max out EV's, can I use that Day-Care trick without any bad side-effects? It feels strange to put only 4 to Sp.Def. Hope that it goes over 300 anyway.

And... My friend has so many Toxic Pokemon that I propably put Rest for Umbreon.

If I will put only 4 to Sp.Def. I have to battle only two Tentacools with Macho Brace, cool :p
Thank you everybody! My friend doesn't know about this EV thing :D He will be surprised when he meets my Umbreon. Or should I say, my both Umbreons :D Tomorrow I'll start training. When my Umbreon is finished, and I'm happy, I'll train better Snorlax, because my friend hates Snorlax. Think about it, my Snorlax has 240 Sp.Def, and 180 Def. and it's still frustrating for him. What happens when he meet my NEW super Snorlax :D
Does anyone have Umbreon here? What stats you have?


Veteran smartass
just put the stats/nature/level/all obtained evs/poke name in the calculator and u'll get the ivs (u get more accurate ivs over lvl50)

ivs are a number that can be 0-31
so lets say an umbreon has 300stat in sp.def with 0ivs in it on lvl100....with 31ivs it would have 331....so ivs can make 31 stat difference, but for me they dont really bother, as long as they're over 15 for the needed stats =)

day-care is like rare candys are...they raise your poke and do not give any evs

i'd give it these moves:
-mean look

just use mean look and toxify the opponent...taunt is there to avoid the opponent to heal
moonlight for nice instant healing =)

the problems for it are steel types, and pokes with taunt
Thank you everybody! My friend doesn't know about this EV thing He will be surprised when he meets my Umbreon. Or should I say, my both Umbreons Tomorrow I'll start training. When my Umbreon is finished, and I'm happy, I'll train better Snorlax, because my friend hates Snorlax. Think about it, my Snorlax has 240 Sp.Def, and 180 Def. and it's still frustrating for him. What happens when he meet my NEW super Snorlax
Does anyone have Umbreon here? What stats you have?

I'll be getting ready to get one soon and I won't stop breeding until I get one with Bold nature and perfect IVs in its defenses, even it though it'll take me quite some time
Hmm... How about Mean Look, Toxic, Taunt, and Rest. Taunt lasts for 2 turns, right? My friend uses that stupid Toxic too, and I don't want that my dear Umreon faints! Taunt and Rest. My Umbreon just sleep, and victim is suffering badly, haha! If he switches after faint, let's say some Steel Pokemon, I'll just switch my Umbreon out, wow! Taunt doesn't stop foe using Toxic, doesn't it? Yeah, maybe I don't need that Baton Pass. I don't have to be scared of stat lowering moves, because my friend uses only offensive moves.
Hmm... How about Mean Look, Toxic, Taunt, and Rest. Taunt lasts for 2 turns, right? My friend uses that stupid Toxic too, and I don't want that my dear Umreon faints! Taunt and Rest. My Umbreon just sleep, and victim is suffering badly, haha! If he switches after faint, let's say some Steel Pokemon, I'll just switch my Umbreon out, wow! Taunt doesn't stop foe using Toxic, doesn't it? Yeah, maybe I don't need that Baton Pass. I don't have to be scared of stat lowering moves, because my friend uses only offensive moves.
Hmm... How about Mean Look, Toxic, Taunt, and Rest. Taunt lasts for 2 turns, right? My friend uses that stupid Toxic too, and I don't want that my dear Umreon faints! Taunt and Rest. My Umbreon just sleep, and victim is suffering badly, haha! If he switches after faint, let's say some Steel Pokemon, I'll just switch my Umbreon out, wow! Taunt doesn't stop foe using Toxic, doesn't it? Yeah, maybe I don't need that Baton Pass. I don't have to be scared of stat lowering moves, because my friend uses only offensive moves.
But hey, Taunt doesn't stop use of Special Attack moves? Right?
My browser is confused... Taunt allows only use of attack moves, hmm... Kingdra, how i should spread EVs? And why? I want high HP and defences.
Maybe I use Baton Pass moveset. I'll just Mean Look victim, next is Toxic, then Baton Pass. Umbreon is slow, so when I have used those moves, my Umbreon is striked with 3 moves. It really need defences and Hp. Leftovers is
good help. Later I use Rest, because of Toxic that enemy used.