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Good in Lv1 Dungeons


Drifblim landing!
Since I've died a few times in them and asked and nobody seems to help (And this happens to a lot of people) can you post here if you're good at any imparticular Lv1 Dungeons and if so up to what floor? Just to get a list is all that way anybody stuck who nobody in The Help I died Thread will help 9If they've been stuck waiting for a few days) can look here and PM and member good at that dungeon. I'll add you to the list when you post.

Joyous Tower
Zaraze (F1-20)

Wish Cave
Zaraze (F1-F50)

Purity Forest
Zaraze (F1-F55)


PokeMon Professor
Yeah, this could really help. I'm good for the first 5 or so floors of each of these dungeons.

Oh, Weavile, I think I'll be contacting you next time I try to obtain Celebi or Jirachi.
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Wish Cave and Joyous Tower are easy - beat them awhile ago. Purity Forest, on the other hand, can be really frustrating
Wah. Joyous Tower is not easy. Wish Cave seems to be really easy though, I got to floor 20 on my first try. In joyous tower I can't make it past floor 13 ):
I also want celebi. Also, congrats Meganium Ex on recurting jirachi! I saw a long time ago you didn't have it.
Wah. Joyous Tower is not easy. Wish Cave seems to be really easy though, I got to floor 20 on my first try. In joyous tower I can't make it past floor 13 ):
Actually it kinda is. Just take my advise - bring a Pass Scarf and 15 Reviver Seeds :)

I also want celebi. Also, congrats Meganium Ex on recurting jirachi! I saw a long time ago you didn't have it.
Yeah, I didn't. Anyway, thanks!


Actually it kinda is. Just take my advise - bring a Pass Scarf and 15 Reviver Seeds :)

Yeah, I didn't. Anyway, thanks!

Can you still recruit with that method? 0: I just want Skitty. THAT'S ALL I WANT ~cries~ Why is it so hard!?
@MangoTails: If you want to recruit, when you come into a battle with a Pokémon you want to recruiit, temporairaly switch the Pass Scarf for a friend bow. If you recruit, use your escape orb, or continue. But remember to switch back to the Pass Scarf if you choose to go on

@weavile/perap eater: Yeah, I thought of that at first aswell...I guess I'll try it out then


Drifblim landing!
Weavile can do them all O.O can you help me with mine since the http://dungeon.filb.de/list.php doesn't get people in fast enough (That or I'm plain impatient) but I haven't played in a day and I've forgetting what my characters look like :( Pikachu is it green?
*Notes to self to go find psyciatric nurse*


Well-Known Member
By the time you get to the higher floors, foes will be of level 30 or higher. This happens only in Joyous Tower, Wish Cave and Purity Forest.
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Drifblim landing!
ALSO I CAN DO WISH CAVE MISSIONS! Made it to Floor 99 and blew Jirachi up :)
Heat Wave
Total PWNing OWNing Chariard

Of course there was a catch :( I'd forgotten to take the Wish Stone so in the end I WASTED MY 5 JOY SEEDS, 6 REVIVER SEEDS AND 5 MAX ELIXERS AND 10 HUGE APPLES FOR NO DAMN REASON! *Calms down*. Once I have around 7 Max Elixers, 8 Reviver Seeds, 4 Huge Apples and a Wish Stone I'll go back and reclaim my lost glory! Oh and Purity Forest is up once I've creamed the whole Field Saga and Ho-oh.


fredfredburger yes!
try bringing pass scarfs warp scarfs and huge apples. so you can beat the 99 floor dungeons.