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Good Pokemon for Wish Cave

Which Pokemon is better for Wish Cave?

  • Alakazam

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • Nidoking

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 25 53.2%

  • Total voters
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Also some people said Alakazam, Charizard, or Nidoking is good. What do you think?


Kabuto Lover!
Bullet Seed and Frustration are pretty good. Frustration has a base damage amount of 45 when it has an IQ of one star.


Is Overheat good? Ooh...and Protect?

EDIT: Maybe Dragon Claw? :D
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You shouldn't have much trouble, especially if you're wearing the Pass Scarf, but to be safe, try to train a little bit in the first few floors. Since passing attacks make you hungrier, be at around level 15 when you pass the the 20th floor, and put on your Pass Scarf there


I feel very uneasy...
Wish me luck. I'm in Wish Cave.
I got TM Thunderbolt, Bullet Seed, and Protect. Along with the usual essential items.

My plan: First few levels I level up. Then I eat all 12 Joy Seeds when I'm around level 15(because the highest I got up to so far that I had trouble in was when I was level 15)


Kyokudo <33
I used mew and brought frustration,t-bolt,and flamethrower and used tms off the ground and beat it pretty easily,so mew is your best bet


Well-Known Member
I'd mainly use a dark-type.

Or bring Moltres (which is a fire-type)

I suggest using Houndoom (advantages of both types vs. Jirachi)

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
also due to traps, is there an item that stops items from getting sticky and also blocks food from getting grimy?

im bringing my mew that i just aqcuired

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
My vote would go to Gastly it got me to 40f in wish cave!


Well-Known Member
I got to floor 53 in Wish Cave last night with Meowth, before I had to pull out or risk being defeated (I know now I could have used the Mobile scarf I had on me, but bleh, no reviver seeds makes me uncomfortable.)

One thing i've learned is make sure your choice has high hp. I had electrodes taking me out from a distance with sonic boom doing 55hp of damage to my...ironically, 55hp. At one point I had a herd of Tauros i'd recruited and let them absorb damage/get me exp and said farewell before they died to save reviver seeds, but it was ill fated.

It seems the joy seed idea is a good one, i'd better start stocking up. I'll try Mew next time, it couldn't hurt.

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
im in with mew and its, still difficult but i havent died once at all, im on like the 26th and level 12

also i have to add that i have a trap scarf defending me from those nasty traps

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
i found an earthquake, should i use it on Mew?

Mew attacks right now
Pound Frustration Flamethrower Thunderbolt


Well-Known Member
Go for it.

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
oo gosh i had to leave there was a monster w/e and they almost killed me MAN i ciouldnt use thunderbolt cause of the elektrikes abiility, i shouldv'e taught my mew earthquake... man that was really difficult
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